Custom Query (2576 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 2576)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3048 Direct dependence of storage client code on the RIStorageServer RemoteReference creates tight coupling and inflexibility defect normal undecided unknown
#3049 Define a server-side interface for plugins for storage economics defect normal storage economics plugins code-storage
#3051 Storage clients fail, nearly completely, when they encounter a "bad" storage announcement GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal storage economics plugins code
#3052 Stop mutating tempfile.tempdir as a side-effect of creating a Node defect normal undecided code
#3053 Implement server-side support for IFoolscapStoragePlugin exarkun defect normal storage economics plugins code-network
#3054 Implement client-side support for IFoolscapStoragePlugin defect normal storage economics plugins code-network
#3086 Support dynamic configuration sections defect normal storage economics plugins code
#3097 Make uninterpretable storage server announcements less catastrophic for clients enhancement normal undecided code
#3111 do less monkey-patching in allmydata.test.cli.test_start.RunTests.test_run_invalid_config GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided code
#3118 Raise a user-meaningful error if a storage plugin is enabled but the plugin is not available exarkun defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3119 Storage server plugin announcements trample on each other defect normal storage economics plugins code
#3184 Allow Tahoe-LAFS storage servers to be configured without anonymous storage access defect normal storage economics plugins code
#3229 PyInstaller/frozen builds are currently broken due to "autobahn" requirement declaration Chris Wood <chris@…> defect normal 1.14.0 unknown
#3231 Allow storage economics plugins to expose a web interface defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3232 Stop using deprecated twisted.test.proto_helpers.MemoryReactor{,Clock} defect normal undecided unknown
#3233 Tor integration tests started failing defect normal undecided unknown
#3234 integration tests should have coverage information defect normal undecided unknown
#3238 Make CI not fail because of PyPy job failures GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3239 Fix PythonTwoRegressions.test_new_style_class GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3240 The SFTP test suite never runs GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3241 Refactor remote_slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev to separate storage and lease logic GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided code-storage
#3242 Pass the full Tahoe-LAFS configuration IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_client_resource GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3243 Make allmydata.web.storage_plugins.StoragePlugins new-style GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3244 Switch away from using nevow habnabit task normal Support Python 3 website
#3245 Port allmydata.web.introweb to twisted.web.template habnabit task normal Support Python 3 website
#3246 Port to twisted.web.template habnabit task normal Support Python 3 website
#3247 Port to twisted.web.template habnabit task normal Support Python 3 website
#3248 Pass the full Tahoe-LAFS configuration IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_storage_client GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3250 IFoolscapStoragePlugin.get_storage_client cannot actually return a Deferred yet GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal storage economics plugins unknown
#3251 Move tahoe-depgraph under the tahoe-lafs organization task normal Support Python 3 dev-infrastructure
#3252 port to twisted.web.template meejah defect normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-web
#3254 port allmydata.web.status to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3255 Add an automated test that passes when Tahoe-LAFS has been ported to Python 3 defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3256 has the wrong filename in it defect normal undecided unknown
#3257 port allmydata.web.root.URIHandler to use twisted.web.template defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend
#3259 The switch to use pkg_resources breaks frozen builds daira defect normal 1.14.0 packaging
#3260 Deploy for Tahoe-LAFS and Foolscap exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3261 Declare correct cryptography requirement for setuptools exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3262 test_filesystem_with_cli_in_subprocess and test_version_no_noise fail because of third-party use of deprecated APIs defect normal undecided unknown
#3263 Port (manifest) to t.w.template meejah defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3264 integration/ fails in the integration/storage-economics branch defect normal undecided unknown
#3265 Re-use/keep alive single storage plugin web resource enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#3266 Add packaging for NixOS and test on CI GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal undecided unknown
#3268 deprecations job on CircleCI fails defect normal undecided unknown
#3270 Don't dirty the working copy with `tox -e codechecks` defect normal undecided unknown
#3273 Deprecate "tahoe start" in favor of "tahoe run" exarkun task normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#3274 NixOS CI job sometimes fails in Eliot test suite exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3276 Appveyor fails on pyinstaller step because of setuptools incompatibility GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3277 Move Windows CI to GitHub Actions exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3278 release 1.14.0 task normal 1.15.0 unknown
#3279 Warning: dependency 'characteristic' not found sajith defect normal undecided unknown
#3281 Give wheels built from a Git clone a good version number GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3282 towncrier configuration points to the wrong ticket URLs exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3283 Update the backdoor statement to include current developers GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3284 Remove "magic folder" exarkun task normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#3287 port allmydata.web.status.UploadStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3288 port allmydata.web.status.DownloadStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3289 port allmydata.web.status.PublishStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3290 port allmydata.web.status.RetrieveStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3291 port allmydata.web.status.MapupdateStatusPage to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3292 port allmydata.web.status.Statistics to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3293 port allmydata.web.status.HelperStatus to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3294 port allmydata.web.root.IncidentReporter to use twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend
#3295 upgrade foolscap defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3300 Only run GitHub Actions CI on push to master, not all pushes GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3302 When a test fails because Foolscap cannot bind a port, the failure doesn't include enough information defect normal undecided unknown
#3303 The Eliot test suite continues to intermittently fail in NixOS Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3304 Remove trollius from NixOS CI jobs sajith defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3305 port allmydata.web.root.Root to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3306 Port allmydata.test.web.test_grid to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code
#3308 Remove web.common.RenderMixin sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3309 GitHub Actions: try running pyinstaller-generated executable sajith defect normal undecided packaging
#3313 Port allmydata.web.operations.OphandleTable to twisted.web.template GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3314 Move away from nevow.url in operations.OphandleTable GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3315 Port allmydata.web.operations.ReloadMixin to twisted.web.template GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3316 port allmydata.web.check_results to twisted.web.template sajith defect normal Support Python 3 code-frontend-web
#3320 Run integration tests on Windows on GitHub Actions sajith defect normal undecided unknown
#3321 PyPy CI: allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem sometimes fails defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3323 The Slackware image builder CircleCI job is failing GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3324 Initial Python 3 module port task normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3325 Add py36 to CI chadwhitacre enhancement normal Support Python 3 dev-infrastructure
#3326 Replace support of Debian 8 with support of Debian 10 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3327 Replace support of Fedora 28 and 29 with support of Fedora 31 and 32 defect normal undecided unknown
#3328 Add support for Ubuntu 20.04 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3329 Switch to flake8 as a way to run pyflakes task normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3330 Get rid of the TravisCI Python 2.7 CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3331 Get rid of the TravisCI Python 2.7 macOS CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3332 Get rid of the TravisCI pyinstaller macOS CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3333 Get rid of the TravisCI Python2.7/coverage Linux CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3334 Get rid of the TravisCI codechecks CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3335 Get rid of the TravisCI pyinstaller Linux CI job GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3336 Move the Python 3.6 job from TravisCI to another CI provider GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided unknown
#3337 Deactivate TravisCI for the tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs repository defect normal undecided unknown
#3338 Disable nix build until transition to Python 3 is done task normal undecided unknown
#3339 Port allmydata.util.assertutil and mathutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3340 Delete unused code from allmydata.util itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3341 Port allmydata.util.pollmixin and deferredutil to Python 3 itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3342 Port base32 and base62 to Python 3 itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3343 Add more tests for base32 and base62 itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3344 Port netstring and hashutil to Python 3 itamarst task normal Support Python 3 unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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