Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) mac usability install openitp-packaging new zooko enhancement major
#1024 introductory docs are confusing and off-putting docs install packaging website tahoe-run assigned blaisep defect major
#1338 reduce CLI startup overhead by importing less performance extensibility packaging assigned daira defect major
#1452 clarify policy about what versions of dependencies Tahoe-LAFS requires packaging setuptools exocet testing new somebody defect major
#1576 support running tests for an installed version without causing allmydata.test.test_runner.BinTahoe.test_the_right_code to fail test packaging assigned davidsarah defect major
#1659 setuptools/easy_install/pip-installed package lacks documentation packaging pypi new nejucomo defect major
#2055 Building tahoe safely is non-trivial install security eggs pip setuptools packaging new daira defect major
#170 package Tahoe-LAFS for Fedora rpm install fedora linux packaging new ruben enhancement normal
#1694 package client and server separately performance security packaging p2p new somebody enhancement normal
#2049 Decide where "packaging tests" should live. packaging dev-infrastructure ci pypi new nejucomo task normal
#2050 Expand HowToWriteTests to packaging and distribution tests packaging dev-infrastructure documentation test assigned blaisep enhancement normal
#2131 Create Launchpad PPAs for stable and daily builds packaging ci dev-infrastructure ubuntu debian new task normal
#2230 'tahoe --version[and-path]' should print versions even if a requirement check fails packaging version error new defect normal
#2257 issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto video at 0:08 Ubuntu how to video docs packaging assigned blaisep defect normal
#2294 investigate using Conda for packaging packaging new defect normal
#2300 missing git tags causes tests to fail packaging git version new defect normal
#2363 Create a Windows automated packaging test which exercises building, installing ``exe`` file. openitp-packaging test windows unfinished-business assigned daira defect normal
#2419 add documentation for use of Tahoe with Docker docs docker packaging assigned blaisep task normal
#2502 consider switching from 'verlib' to 'packaging' for version checks verlib packaging versions assigned daira enhancement normal
#2741 improve the OS-X packages mac packaging new daira task normal
#3754 Release 1.16.0 release, packaging new fenn-cs task normal
#4150 CI: Test our Debian package for/with upcoming Debian Trixie debian packaging ci assigned hacklschorsch task normal
#4168 Update tahoe man page debian packaging documentation new task normal
#4169 Create man page for grid manager debian packaging documentation assigned hacklschorsch task normal
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy numpy packaging assigned zooko task minor
#1443 use exocet instead of the builtin Python module loader setuptools packaging exocet new somebody enhancement minor
#1736 LAFS does not come with a pony usability aesthetics packaging setuptools forward-compatibility mlp world-domination joke new warner enhancement minor
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