Custom Query (228 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 228)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1852 test suite: find a way to prevent unclean reactor errors causing subsequent test failures daira defect normal soon code
#1857 Add public gateway permalinks to web api enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1858 Add redirect_to_index_html boolean to [client] enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1861 redirects in tahoe should not point to other origins ChosenOne enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1876 cloud backend / leasedb: write tests for new deferred utilities daira defect normal 1.15.0 code
#1880 break up test_storage into more manageable pieces defect normal undecided code-storage
#1885 cloud backend: redundant reads of chunks from cloud when downloading large files defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1886 cloud backend: crawlers are running too often daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1888 cloud backend: "excessive reactor delay" warning in foolscap log during crawler run davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0 unknown
#1911 Add authentication for WUI access luckyredhot enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1919 cloud backend OpenStack: send MD5 ETag davidsarah defect normal undecided code-storage
#1920 cloud backend: a failed upload can leave chunk objects that prevent subsequent uploads of the same file daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1923 cloud backend OpenStack: crawlers are not working correctly with HP Cloud Object Storage davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1927 cloud backend spams twistd.log with two entries for each HTTP connection daira defect normal soon code-storage
#1950 allmydataectomy: rename "allmydata" package to "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs" task normal 2.0.0 packaging
#1977 cloud backend: implement container creation for OpenStack and Google Cloud Storage daira defect normal soon code-storage
#1978 build binary eggs for Linux x86 task normal packaging
#1979 build binary eggs for Linux x86-64 task normal soon packaging
#1982 build binary eggs for FreeBSD task normal soon packaging
#1983 build binary eggs for linux-armv6l (raspberry pi) task normal soon packaging
#1984 build binary eggs for Linux on Mac OS X task normal soon packaging
#1985 build binary eggs for NetBSD task normal soon packaging
#1986 build binary eggs for Solaris task normal undecided packaging
#1991 cloud backend fails with DataUnavailable when uploading+downloading a 10 GB file daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#2000 build binary eggs for linux-armv5tel (nsa3xx nas running ffp) daira task normal soon packaging
#2017 non-deterministic test hang on OpenBSD sickness defect normal soon code
#2063 users expect 'python install' to install dependencies sel defect normal undecided packaging
#2064 The build instructions do not specify the list of dependencies marlowe defect normal undecided documentation
#2068 cloud.s3 backend: investigate DNS failures; possibly fall back to bucket-in-path for retries if bucket-in-host fails daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#2069 binary eggs for linux don't work on Debian 7 defect normal undecided packaging
#2091 make automated test of the --profile feature defect normal undecided code
#2149 "tahoe start" emits an error message when tahoe is already running daira enhancement normal 1.14.0 code-nodeadmin
#2151 consider changes needed to allow use of Amazon Glacier enhancement normal undecided code-storage
#2207 Change Bayes trigger behavior from rejecting a post to requiring a CAPTCHA defect normal undecided website
#2210 'sudo pip install .' fails if tests have been run dstufft defect normal undecided packaging
#2211 cloud backend: broken test of MS Azure container defect normal eventually code-storage
#2251 Database full or disk full error, stops backups daira defect normal undecided code-storage
#2263 Issue starting/stopping tahoe on Windows with multi-users cyberaxe enhancement normal undecided code-nodeadmin
#2264 bitcoin as inter-node payment system daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2278 make our custom BuildSteps be new-style task normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2284 make a mailing list for buildbot operators daira task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2293 I2P client endpoint parameter concatenator dawuud enhancement normal undecided code-network
#2295 why are covered lines changing from build to build? defect normal undecided code
#2303 Acquire and configure a dedicated OSX build slave. warner task normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2313 why did test_filesystem take 494 seconds on the "sickness OpenBSD 5.0 x86 py2.7" builder? defect normal undecided code
#2317 'bin/pip install cryptography' in a virtualenv fails unless libssl-dev is installed defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2341 incorrect S3 bucket permissions can lead to hard-to-diagnose failures defect normal undecided code-storage
#2344 Acquire and configure a dedicated Windows build slave. nejucomo task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2346 cloud backend uses lots of expensive LIST requests defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#2355 on one occasion, travis-ci timed out because a pycryptopp compile took > 10 minutes defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2365 cloud backend: download from S4 hangs on a particular file defect normal undecided unknown
#2368 Do Apple's Time Machine and Tahoe-LAFS play nice together? BackingUpAreMyFriends defect normal undecided unknown
#2382 hooks (external) enhancement normal undecided code-nodeadmin
#2389 try switching from to daira enhancement normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2457 bring 1.8.3 branch into git/trac daira defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2550 "ImportError: cannot import name flat" when checking import of Nevow 0.11.1 on OpenSUSE 13.2 daira defect normal undecided packaging
#2739 windows vs len("pycryptopp-0.7.1. 869544967005693312591928092448767568728501330214") daira defect normal undecided packaging
#2745 importing pycryptopp fails due to undefined symbol daira defect normal eventually packaging
#2746 failure to build on OpenBSD 5.6 (Kyle's buildslave) due to OpenSSL not having ALPN-related symbols daira defect normal undecided packaging
#2765 debian 1.11.0-1 package looks broken without cffi, enum34, pycparser daira defect normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2770 Fix Magic-Folder unit tests for Mac OSX defect normal undecided unknown
#2787 intermittent "Address Already In Use" error during tests warner defect normal soon code-network
#2798 Fix cloud backend on Windows daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#2803 Magic Folder logging defect normal undecided unknown
#2833 Enable using values from environment variables from tahoe.cfg enhancement normal undecided unknown
#2866 Accounting, lease-db from cloud-backend enhancement normal soon code-storage
#2877 accounting-crawler doesn't create starter-leases properly defect normal soon code
#2940 cannot start stats gatherer defect normal undecided unknown
#2964 macOS package uploads from buildslave are broken defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2979 Debian package installation is unreliable and spuriously fails CI jobs defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2993 Appveyor builds intermittently fail while uploading artifacts defect normal undecided unknown
#3033 Port or replace: txi2p defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3044 fix division enhancement normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3045 port Error handling enhancement normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3046 separate text and binary data enhancement normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3260 Deploy for Tahoe-LAFS and Foolscap exarkun defect normal undecided unknown
#3369 Allow the ratchet job to pass if tests pass which are not listed as expected to pass defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3379 Get closed itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3495 Switch version dictionaries to Unicode itamarst defect normal Support Python 3 unknown
#3690 Document new API maylee defect normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#3794 Partially written share still thinks it's fully written, as far as IStorageServer.allocate_buckets() goes itamarst defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol unknown
#3945 Retry moody GitHub Actions steps sajith task normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4043 Auto-upgrade from Foolscap to HTTP storage protocol task normal HTTP Storage Protocol unknown
#40 patchbot to automatically accept patches by e-mail somebody enhancement minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#58 logging: also available separately warner enhancement minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#70 idea: integrate captcha into some furls nobody enhancement minor undecided code
#86 add a check block to the front of the plaintext, to verify the correct key nobody enhancement minor eventually code-encoding
#87 store less validation information in each share, to lower overhead enhancement minor undecided code-encoding
#109 current upstream figleaf doesn't do the right thing warner defect minor 1.7.0 dev-infrastructure
#134 zfec: Windows build: are the compiler optimizations right? zooko defect minor 0.6.1 packaging
#140 the "setuptools+GNU stow" hack doesn't work on zope.interface zooko defect minor undecided packaging
#151 maildir inlet enhancement minor undecided code-frontend
#191 The Setuptools Way Section in the Readme Makes Unsupportable Assertions arch_o_median defect minor eventually documentation
#228 more REST-ful PUT web interfaces (Content-Type: instead of t=) task minor undecided code-frontend-web
#349 Find a middle ground on access to the Build button zandr defect minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#387 figleaf confused by python2.5 somebody defect minor 1.7.0 code
#419 pycryptopp uses up too much RAM nobody defect minor undecided code-encoding
#475 CPU-watcher munin graph got stuck defect minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#479 wouldn't it be nice if we could run from source without running 'make' or 'python build' first? somebody defect minor undecided packaging
#499 emacs thinks our makefile is a BSD makefile somebody defect minor undecided packaging
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