Custom Query (279 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 279)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Reporter Priority Type
#615 Can JavaScript loaded from Tahoe access all your content which is loaded from Tahoe? newcaps confidentiality integrity preservation capleak gsoc websec assigned davidsarah zooko critical defect
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information usability error tahoe-check wui verify repair new daira zooko critical defect
#891 web gateway memory grows without bound under load reliability scalability memory new warner zooko critical defect
#893 UCWE when mapupdate gives up too early, then server errors require replacement servers availability preservation upload repair ucwe new warner critical defect
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? tahoe-mv usability preservation sftp ftpd new daira zooko critical defect
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write mutable retrieve error tahoe-backup regression test-needed preservation blocks-release assigned zooko vikarti critical defect
#1824 Tahoe process gone wild hang repair memory new daira kpreid critical defect
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS security integrity confidentiality pyopenssl heartbleed docs assigned blaisep daira critical defect
#2861 SSL handshake failure with 1.12 storage nodes over I2P i2p new str4d critical defect
#127 Cap URLs leaked via HTTP Referer header confidentiality integrity preservation capleak research websec assigned davidsarah warner major defect
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) mac usability install openitp-packaging new zooko zooko major enhancement
#232 Peer selection doesn't rebalance shares on overwrite of mutable file. repair preservation new warner zooko major defect
#270 test for interrupted writes of mutable files reliability preservation test new zooko zooko major defect
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads download partial usability random-access new warner warner major enhancement
#318 wapi: test that we return 200 or 201 as appropriate standards test new zooko major defect
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects kpreid docs standards test http new zooko major defect
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements introduction performance p2p new warner major enhancement
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT performance statistics new warner major task
#462 PUT should elicit 100 Continue curl hang reliability http standards new adi major defect
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads availability preservation cache anti-censorship placement backend rollback add-only new leif warner major enhancement
#474 uncaught exception in mutable-retrieve: UCW between mapupdate and retrieve mutable upload download hang reliability test-needed ucwe new warner major defect
#512 FTP frontend needs tests ftpd test assigned davidsarah warner major defect
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish backward-compatibility foolscap new warner major defect
#547 mapupdate(MODE_WRITE) triggers on a false boundary availability mutable mapupdate ucwe new warner major defect
#548 mutable publish sends queries to servers that have already been asked mutable availability upload ucwe performance new warner major defect
#549 MODE_WRITE mapupdate: maybe increase epsilon to handle large batches of new servers better availability upload easy mutable ucwe test-needed assigned bazuka warner major defect
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes usability easy docs assigned davidsarah zooko major defect
#563 anonymize IP addresses in log files privacy logging new somebody zooko major defect
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data version json docs easy forward-compatibility assigned rvs warner major enhancement
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap confidentiality verify repair usability tahoe-check wui anti-censorship excess-authority new daira zooko major defect
#580 repairer: upload fresh shares to replace corrupted shares repair preservation anti-censorship new zooko major defect
#587 Web nodes provide ambient upload authority upload security accounting websec new daira toby.murray major defect
#610 upload should take better advantage of existing shares upload verify preservation performance space-efficiency servers-of-happiness new kevan warner major enhancement
#614 redefine "Healthy" to be "Happy" for checker/verifier/repairer upload repair verify preservation performance docs unfinished-business servers-of-happiness new markberger zooko major defect
#622 add a 'repair' button on the webapi checker results page repair verify easy usability wui assigned Lcstyle warner major enhancement
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files confidentiality integrity preservation verify repair newcaps tahoe-backup usability anti-censorship excess-authority assigned warner francois major defect
#631 trailing spaces in filenames break the WUI rename function wui usability names new zooko major defect
#651 handle MemoryError by failing quickly and loudly error memory ucwe logging new somebody zooko major defect
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) usability statistics sftp docs new markberger zooko major defect
#674 controlled access to your WUI wui confidentiality privacy anti-censorship websec new nobody zooko major enhancement
#682 FTP frontend should support Unicode filenames encoded as UTF-8 i18n unicode ftpd names twisted assigned francois arthur major defect
#685 [needs test] Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log logging memory privacy confidentiality test-needed new somebody zooko major defect
#686 Search for lost share resulted in a directory popping up at unexpected place integrity error assigned daira [4-tea-2] major defect
#699 rebalance during repair or upload upload repair preservation test anti-censorship assigned davidsarah zooko major defect
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail download upload check repair usability error wui availability reliability new bewst major defect
#723 helper: client should verify ciphertext hashes and UEB upload-helper integrity new daira warner major defect
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. easy security usability unix test-needed assigned davidsarah zandr major enhancement
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before easy usability error verify repair assigned davidsarah zooko major defect
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps leases alias usability preservation repair new kpreid major enhancement
#809 Measure how segment size affects upload/download speed. easy performance upload download statistics new warner zooko major enhancement
#821 A script in a file viewed through the WUI can obtain the file's read cap newcaps newurls confidentiality capleak websec assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#822 Web API should use a more reliable, out-of-band means of reporting errors (such as a server connection being lost) during a download integrity error http download new davidsarah major defect
#826 Rename action in WUI has no confirmation for clobbering another entry usability docs new davidsarah major defect
#827 Put file download links ('?save=true') in WUI directory listings security usability capleak docs download easy assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa usability tahoe-cp new warner major enhancement
#836 use mkdir-with-children or set-children in "tahoe cp [-r]" tahoe-cp performance assigned daira warner major enhancement
#839 Copying directories containing caps from the future forward-compatibility tahoe-cp assigned davidsarah davidsarah major enhancement
#846 allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_mutable sometimes hangs on a slow machine test arm reliability hang heisenbug assigned zooko zooko major defect
#847 create internal VerifierNode/RepairerNode classes confidentiality integrity verify repair new somebody warner major task
#849 Tahoe cp command refuses to copy remote files to a local directory that contains special files reliability tahoe-cp new AgentME major defect
#855 Make tahoe webopen without arguments show the tahoe: alias, if there is one wui usability tahoe-webopen new daira major enhancement
#871 handle out-of-disk-space condition reliability availability new somebody zooko major defect
#884 give nice error page when URL is mangled or from the future usability newurls forward-compatibility wui error assigned davidsarah zooko major defect
#885 Ignore space or %20 in webapi URLs usability newurls assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#897 "tahoe backup" thinks "ctime" means "creation time" forward-compatibility docs tahoe-backup time new warner zooko major defect
#901 deprecate and remove BASEDIR/private/root_dir.cap configuration cruft aliases assigned davidsarah warner major defect
#914 tahoe backup gives a fatal BackupProcessingError if it sees a file, but the file is deleted before tahoe backs it up tahoe-backup usability error reliability new nobody davidsarah major defect
#922 The URL of the info page for an unknown dirnode should not grant authority to the containing directory capleak integrity confidentiality newurls assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#942 automatically url-unquote caps in CLI and WUI usability newurls cli wui assigned davidsarah zooko major defect
#954 revocable write authority integrity capleak forward-compatibility newcaps revocation research new zooko major enhancement
#958 LAFS 301 Moved Permanently forward-compatibility backward-compatibility integrity newcaps newurls http sftp ftpd smb availability security revocation rollback research new zooko major enhancement
#965 CLI commands should follow HTTP redirects forward-compatibility http standards easy assigned lebek davidsarah major defect
#966 document munin plugins and make them discoverable easy docs statistics assigned blaisep zooko major defect
#971 "Humanized failures" should still have a traceback, hidden by default error privacy anonymity assigned davidsarah davidsarah major enhancement
#975 results of deep-size should include mutable files mutable easy new davidsarah major defect
#977 backupdb should store which grid it is scoped to tahoe-backup preservation forward-compatibility backupdb assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#979 AssertionError on DELETE when child links point to yourself error delete cycle new zooko major defect
#1000 add 'Tahoe Explorer' (JavaScript-based UI) to Tahoe jsui assigned davidsarah davidsarah major enhancement
#1004 how to fix 'multiple versions are recoverable'? mutable recovery repair new nobody humberto major defect
#1023 Cloud App: Music player gsoc jsui music new davidsarah josipl major task
#1035 add API to atomically set a child URI and return both the new child and its metadata metadata new davidsarah major enhancement
#1046 add note to performance.txt about expected memory usage docs memory performance new nobody zooko major enhancement
#1049 gvfs-fuse doesn't work (completely) with the sftp interface sftp gvfs fuse docs new davidsarah bj0 major defect
#1057 Alter mutable files to use servers of happiness mutable upload servers-of-happiness preservation new markberger kevan major enhancement
#1060 tests for SFTP via GIO Python binding sftp test gvfs new davidsarah major defect
#1061 SFTP directory listing doesn't show (or shows wrong mtime and size for) files that have been opened but not yet uploaded sftp metadata time test assigned davidsarah davidsarah major defect
#1071 "No JSON object could be decoded" backtrace on tahoe mv tahoe-mv usability error easy assigned davidsarah np major defect
#1077 consistent timestamp format and timezone time usability logging assigned zooko zooko major defect
#1082 default servers-of-happiness=7 prevents single-server use case from working "out of the box" defaults docs unfinished-business servers-of-happiness upload zookos-opinion-needed warners-opinion-needed new somebody zooko major defect
#1106 review #1037 (SFTP) sftp unfinished-business assigned zooko zooko major defect
#1109 let the get_buckets() response include the first block download performance new warner zooko major enhancement
#1110 pipeline download blocks for better performance download performance unfinished-business new nobody zooko major enhancement
#1112 error message for corrupted caps to {{{tahoe ls}}} is unclear tahoe-ls usability newurls error new zooko major defect
#1116 clarify difference between full and read-only servers in servers-of-happiness failure message easy unfinished-business usability error servers-of-happiness upload new daira kevan major defect
#1124 upload is unhappy even though the shares are already distributed upload availability reliability unfinished-business servers-of-happiness new zooko major defect
#1130 Failure to achieve happiness in upload or repair upload repair rebalancing availability unfinished-business servers-of-happiness new kevan kmarkley86 major defect
#1138 Timeout of Servermap Update servermap update timeout mutable download availability hang foolscap new nobody eurekafag major defect
#1141 Cannot Delete Or Rename Files/Directories With Wacky Names undeletable junk names delete websec assigned davidsarah chrisp major defect
#1164 use ChaCha⊕AES encryption confidentiality new somebody zooko major enhancement
#1169 update documentation for the download status page doc immutable download wui usability easy new warner zooko major defect
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