Custom Query (68 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3258 The interface for the client-side storage plugin web resource has a one-to-many conflict assigned exarkun defect normal storage economics plugins
#3979 A client's use or non-use participation in managed grids is an implicit function of the `[grid_management_certificates]` configuration new defect normal Grid Management
#3772 add lease cancellation new defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3661 Replace the GBS spec references to RFC 7469 with an inline explanation of certificate validation rules new exarkun defect normal Non-Foolscap communications
#3791 Tahoe-LAFS uses Foolscap extensively for logging but Tahoe-LAFS intends to drop its Foolscap dependency new enhancement normal Non-Foolscap communications
#3894 There should be a discoverable development roadmap new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#2871 test_create_long_path fails ... when ... the ... path ... is ... long ... new defect normal undecided
#2896 intermittent allmydata.test.test_introducer.NonV1Server.test_failure failure new defect normal undecided
#2917 `tahoe backup` could easily report size information about the backup performed new enhancement normal undecided
#2918 `tahoe backup` crashes when an upload operation fails new defect normal undecided
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` new enhancement normal undecided
#2927 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_introducer.SystemTest.test_system on Windows: Address already in use new defect normal undecided
#2930 "AUTO" Tub location detection/assignment is silently broken when system tools are missing new defect normal undecided
#2994 Sometimes the test suite times out on CircleCI new defect normal undecided
#3022 Servers of happiness share placement distributes storage load unevenly in small grids new defect normal undecided
#3039 allmydata.test.test_magic_folder.RealTestAliceBob.test_alice_bob sometimes fails on macOS with `Pending: set([u'file3'])` new defect normal undecided
#3138 Run the test suite with some concurrency on CircleCI new exarkun defect normal undecided
#3230 Consider switching from AES CTR to AES XTS new defect normal undecided
#3301 allmydata.test.test_system.Connections.test_rref can fail with "Address already in use." new defect normal undecided
#3352 Give the Tahoe-LAFS Nix package a version for `allmydata.__version__` new daira enhancement normal undecided
#3441 The "dump-share" tests in allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTests.test_filesystem should be part of a separate test suite new exarkun defect normal undecided
#3444 PyPy CI job fails: allmydata.test.test_sftp.Handler.test_openFile_read new defect normal undecided
#3445 The runtime information on the "deep check results" page is untested assigned exarkun defect normal undecided
#3457 The separate introducer servers represent unnecessary complexity in an overall Tahoe-LAFS deployment new defect normal undecided
#3480 The introducer writes a garbage fURL if created/started without a "good" environment new defect normal undecided
#3484 The CI Docker image builders are hard to test and are happy to push broken images new defect normal undecided
#3489 Add some tests for src/allmydata/test/ new exarkun defect normal undecided
#3498 Mutable writes don't respect `readonly` or `reserved_space` storage server settings new defect normal undecided
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test new exarkun task normal undecided
#3519 Stop using the mock library for testing new exarkun defect normal undecided
#3530 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ new defect normal undecided
#3531 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ new defect normal undecided
#3538 Get rid of the "portnum filename" stuff in the configuration system new defect normal undecided
#3540 allmydata.mutable.publish.Publish.publish has unreliably covered bad shares handling code new defect normal undecided
#3548 test_filesystem_with_cli_in_subprocess mutates os.environ a bunch new defect normal undecided
#3556 docs/logging.rst has broken examples in it new defect normal undecided
#3561 allmydata.immutable.offloaded.LocalCiphertextReader claims to implement IEncryptedUploadable but does not implement set_upload_status new defect normal undecided
#3562 IMutableFileVersion.get_servermap is unused and unimplemented new defect normal undecided
#3563 _tub_portlocation tries to detect port 0 configuration but does so incompletely new defect normal undecided
#3597 The integration tests mix synchronous and asynchronous code in an unreliable way new defect normal undecided
#3601 CI builds new images for test jobs even when Tahoe's dependencies haven't changed new defect normal undecided
#3602 Replace allmydata.frontends.sftp._lsLine with something from Twisted new daira defect normal undecided
#3609 Manual quoting/escaping is scattered ad hoc throughout the web code new defect normal undecided
#3610 and allmydata.web.operations.ReloadMixin are basically the same new defect normal undecided
#3789 intermittent integration/ failure new defect normal undecided
#3790 `tahoe status` explodes on an encoding issue in some environments new defect normal undecided
#3813 There is a large amount of dynamic package-related code in Tahoe-LAFS new defect normal undecided
#3853 If a given header is too short, `ShareFile.is_valid_header` method raises an exception new defect normal undecided
#3863 builtins.AttributeError: 'FileTransferServer' object has no attribute '_ebClose' new defect normal undecided
#3864 The sftp accounts file could support aliases to make configuration easier new defect normal undecided
#3869 Intermittent allmydata.test.test_storage_http.GenericHTTPAPITests.test_bad_authentication failure new defect normal undecided
#3885 the netifaces library is unmaintained new defect normal undecided
#3886 It is inconvenient to test code using `async def` using Tahoe's unittest-based testing tools new enhancement normal undecided
#3887 HTTPConnectionPool briefly leaks reactor state in a way that makes resource cleanup more complicated new defect normal undecided
#3931 Factor functionality related to running a storage service into a separate class from `_Client` new enhancement normal undecided
#3948 Remove all of the dynamicism from new defect normal undecided
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned exarkun task normal undecided
#3951 Tox breaks Tahoe-LAFS CI a lot new defect normal undecided
#3983 test_pidfile_contents sometimes fails with ProcessInTheWay new defect normal undecided
#3984 test_pidfile_contents uses check_pid_process like it is a context manager, but it is not new defect normal undecided
#3985 Support "storage plugins" in the Great Black Swamp storage server and client new defect normal undecided
#3995 Remove the various dead code from `src/allmydata/util/` new defect normal undecided
#4007 Remove the PyPy unit test jobs from GitHub Actions new defect normal undecided
#4021 Add a CI job that is explicitly for "run with latest version of dependencies" new defect normal undecided
#4048 Fix the `cli_options.stdout` pattern new defect normal undecided
#4053 Add a tool for running the integration tests in a reproducible environment new defect normal undecided
#4054 Use CircleCI's "parallelism" feature to speed up runs of the integration test suite new defect normal undecided
#4058 allmydata.test.cli.test_run.RunTests.test_pidfile_contents fails sometimes new defect normal undecided
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