#1011 new enhancement

secure decentralized blog

Reported by: davidsarah Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: undecided
Component: code Version: 1.6.1
Keywords: blog gsoc Cc:
Launchpad Bug:



I've been wishing for a secure decentralized blog. Well, I already have a secure decentralized blog, but I've been wishing for one that was written from the ground up to be:

  1. integrated with Tahoe-LAFS
  1. optimized for blogging (I've pressed TiddlyWiki into service as a blog and it is a bit of an ill fit)
  1. optimized for performance -- both for reading and for writing my

blog is a bit klunky

  1. Unobtrusive JavaScript, which makes it so that browsers with reduced functionality, even without JavaScript at all, can still view the content
  1. automatically makes good backups of older versions of my blog to

the Tahoe-LAFS grid

  1. many more features of bloggy goodness


Secure Decentralized Blog

Write a blog in Google's Caja dialect of JavaScript or in the Jacaranda dialect of JavaScript. This blog will load and store data directly on a Tahoe-LAFS storage grid so that it is a full "Cloud App"—there is no server. All computation is done in the user's web browser in Caja / Jacaranda / JavaScript and all of the storage is done by the decentralized Tahoe-LAFS storage grid. This project is intended to be the successor to the TiddlyWiki-on-Tahoe-LAFS project, which is a wiki written in JavaScript and hosted on Tahoe-LAFS, but one that has been "bolted on" to Tahoe-LAFS instead of designed for Tahoe-LAFS, and is not optimized for blogging.

To get started, play with the TiddlyWiki-on-Tahoe-LAFS quick start, read the source code of the HTTPSavingPlugin and the TahoePlugin for TiddlyWiki, and experiment with writing live Caja applets.

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