#2036 new defect

accept trailing slashes on directory cap URIs

Reported by: daira Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: code-frontend Version: 1.10.0
Keywords: usability cli wui Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2013-07-24T12:16:18Z by gdt

Does some standard say this is required? dircap URIs are not POSIX directories, so this notion seems odd at first read.

comment:2 Changed at 2013-07-24T15:43:56Z by daira

No standard applies here. However, the CLI accepts the syntax "URI:.../path", so by analogy with POSIX paths, it should also accept a trailing slash in contexts where a directory is accepted.

comment:3 Changed at 2013-07-24T15:49:18Z by daira

(23:08:24) zooko: Well, what happens when you use the "sftp" client to connect to localhost port 8022?

(23:09:14) rhaeder: it says connected

(23:09:31) rhaeder: remote readdir("/"): Permission denied

(23:09:41) rhaeder: a simple "ls"

(23:10:09) zooko: Okay, the Tahoe-LAFS process that runs that SFTP server -- does it also listen on a web port?

(23:10:19) rhaeder: yes

(23:10:41) zooko: Does the welcome page that it shows on that web port say that it is connected to an introducer and at least one storage server?

(23:10:51) rhaeder: the same URI gives me my storage directory

(23:10:58) zooko: I wonder what "permission denied" means there...

(23:11:27) zooko: Yeah, double-check whether the cap in the SFTP passwords file is the same as the cap you're using in the WUI.


(23:13:02) zooko: So the cap that it uses when you do "ls" is something it looks up from its accounts file.

(23:13:28) zooko: The username and password that you use to login to the SFTP Server, it looks up that username in the accounts file and gets the cap from there. Then it uses that cap.

(23:13:53) zooko: It sounds like you want that to be the same cap that you are using when you browse your storage directory using the WUI.

(23:13:59) zooko: Is that cap written into the SFTP accounts file?

(23:14:24) rhaeder: ah, my private/accounts file contained a trailing slash at the cap URI

(23:14:28) zooko: Aha!

(23:14:31) zooko: So that was a bad error message.

(23:14:48) rhaeder: working! :)

(23:14:48) zooko: It said "Permission denied". Useless! It should have said something like "This isn't a well-formed cap."

(23:14:50) zooko: Right?

(23:14:53) zooko: Yay!

(23:15:07) rhaeder: yes, that message would be much better understandable :)

(23:15:18) zooko: Please send email to tahoe-dev@… saying that you got it working, because Greg Troxel isn't on IRC, and he disbelieves that people use Tahoe-LAFS with FUSE. ;-)

(23:15:31) rhaeder: ;)

(23:15:34) zooko: I'll open an issue ticket about that error message if there isn't already one...

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