Custom Query (176 matches)


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Results (101 - 176 of 176)

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Ticket Summary Component Status Owner Type Priority
#1821 show full, explorable details about check and repair operations code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#1846 add "started" timestamp on the current operations on Recent Uploads and Downloads code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1889 allmydata.mutable.common.NotEnoughServersError does not produce a "humanized" failure message code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1890 submit proposal for restrict-referrer-leakage to the CSP standardizers and implementors code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah task normal
#1895 implement replace=false for file upload into a mutable directory code-frontend-web new davidsarah defect normal
#1898 deep check on a non-directory gives unhelpful "400 Bad Request" error code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1899 make reported max-mutable-share-size have the same semantics as max-immutable-share-size code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1902 WUI: "Download a file" should error on directory code-frontend-web assigned Lcstyle defect normal
#1903 deprecate one of the synonyms "/file/" and "/named/" from the WAPI code-frontend-web reopened zooko enhancement normal
#1912 show miniature live view of recent activity right on the front page code-frontend-web new drewp enhancement normal
#1914 tahoe check reports incorrect encoding code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1928 web redirects should use relative URLs code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1930 should ?t=rename be deprecated in favour of ?t=move ? code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1931 WUI: niggles in the new Welcome page code-frontend-web new daira defect normal
#1967 make new WUI work on phone code-frontend-web new defect normal
#1997 Eventually remove disconnected nodes from Welcome page display code-frontend-web new daira enhancement normal
#2003 put nickname in <title> code-frontend-web assigned daira enhancement normal
#2031 Optionally serve ./docs from the web gateway. code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#2070 WUI: what's the difference between "Immutable" and "SDMF"? code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2080 remove the "experimental" flag on MDMF in the WUI and make it the default code-frontend-web new warner enhancement normal
#2093 State-mutating GET methods in webapi. code-frontend-web new daira defect normal
#2117 Valid helper makes "Connected to Q of R" irrelevant for upload success code-frontend-web new daira enhancement normal
#2126 send application/json content-type for JSON response code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2136 Use Content-Security-Policy to harden the WUI code-frontend-web new daira defect normal
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? code-frontend-web new amontero enhancement normal
#2143 Adding aliases to the WUI code-frontend-web new daira enhancement normal
#2225 allow themeing of WUI code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#2227 "format=mutable" in the web API code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#2302 update the Content-Disposition and filename stuff for modern standards and practice code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2401 authentication via proxy breaks "tahoe backup" code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2402 serve static files under a common URL code-frontend-web assigned daira enhancement normal
#2532 storage server running 1.10.2 shows 2^64 bytes available to clients code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2590 GET /operations/$HANDLE?output=json is not JSON code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2716 Exception on WUI code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2720 format_http_error leaks the URI code-frontend-web new daira defect normal
#2724 use humanize library code-frontend-web new daira defect normal
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2839 make statistics of (past) uploads available as JSON code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#2850 ugly (temporary) error message when connecting to new onion server code-frontend-web new defect normal
#2864 welcome page can't display when introducer connection has problems code-frontend-web new defect normal
#3041 Testing of websocket logs code-frontend-web new defect normal
#3236 Refactor /helper_status web resource code-frontend-web new enhancement normal
#3311 Move table layout to template file in download status page code-frontend-web new sajith enhancement normal
#3371 Render post-repair corrupt shares in deep-check-and-repair results page code-frontend-web new sajith defect normal
#3420 Twisted web Resources should "return ErrorPage" instead of "raise WebError" code-frontend-web assigned sajith defect normal
#3609 Manual quoting/escaping is scattered ad hoc throughout the web code code-frontend-web new defect normal
#3610 and allmydata.web.operations.ReloadMixin are basically the same code-frontend-web new defect normal
#3845 "Economic plugin" errors not surfaced effectively code-frontend-web new defect normal
#92 add upload-status page: progress and to-whom info code-frontend-web new warner enhancement minor
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. code-frontend-web assigned zooko enhancement minor
#386 upload status page should show nicknames code-frontend-web new akp enhancement minor
#389 Implement Web Portal feature. code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#430 upload/download status: add recently-finished operations code-frontend-web new warner enhancement minor
#525 include platform of each remote peer in the welcome page's known-servers table code-frontend-web reopened enhancement minor
#677 WebAPI: GET /uri/$FILECAP?t=json doesn't return size for mutable files, but the HTML version does code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah defect minor
#689 web documents should be constructed out of unicode strings code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions code-frontend-web assigned zooko enhancement minor
#765 duplication of version and nickname-and-nodeid code in the wui code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#789 Support Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip in the WAPI code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#813 string exception raised to web renderer? code-frontend-web new somebody defect minor
#903 webapi t=mkdir-with-children and mkdir-immutable: behavior when directory already exists? code-frontend-web new defect minor
#907 Stop caps from leaking to phishing-filter servers code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah defect minor
#918 Abstraction violations in web/ code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah defect minor
#920 mkdir-immutable probably shouldn't implicitly create (mutable) intermediate directories code-frontend-web new defect minor
#970 webapi PUT via multiple nodes can cause directory corruption but does not report UncoordinatedWriteError code-frontend-web new nobody defect minor
#976 status of mutable file retrieve gives less information than an immutable download code-frontend-web new defect minor
#1032 Display active HTTP upload operations on the status page code-frontend-web new nobody enhancement minor
#1091 give clearer names to the "create a directory" buttons code-frontend-web assigned Lcstyle enhancement minor
#1177 Display directory storage indexes in directory listings code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#1178 Use identicons for directory identifiers code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#1560 POST /uri?t=upload should give Upload Results consistently (even mutable) code-frontend-web new defect minor
#1774 exception in twistd.log from web parser code-frontend-web new defect minor
#1820 standard host metadata code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
#2797 explain two timestamps on WUI server listings code-frontend-web new defect minor
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page code-frontend-web new enhancement minor
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.