Custom Query (1160 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 1160)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Priority: critical (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#615 Can JavaScript loaded from Tahoe access all your content which is loaded from Tahoe? assigned davidsarah defect soon code-frontend-web
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information new daira defect soon code-dirnodes
#891 web gateway memory grows without bound under load new warner defect soon code-frontend-web
#893 UCWE when mapupdate gives up too early, then server errors require replacement servers new defect soon code-mutable
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? new daira defect soon code-frontend-cli
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write assigned zooko defect soon code-mutable
#1824 Tahoe process gone wild new daira defect soon code
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS assigned blaisep defect soon documentation
#2861 SSL handshake failure with 1.12 storage nodes over I2P new defect soon unknown
#3604 Develop Roadmap new enhancement Contributor Experience documentation
#3851 release template has wrong URL new daira defect Automate Release Process packaging

Priority: major (89 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#54 port memory usage tests to windows assigned davidsarah enhancement eventually code
#97 reducing memory footprint in share reception assigned warner defect undecided code
#113 command-line: do things in an incremental fashion and accept stdin as input assigned zooko enhancement eventually code-frontend-cli
#126 add "Invite a Friend" button new enhancement undecided code-network
#127 Cap URLs leaked via HTTP Referer header assigned davidsarah defect soon code-frontend-web
#152 build "sharing slots" / use mutable files as primitives for sharing messages new enhancement undecided code-frontend
#169 tcp hole-punching! new ghazel enhancement undecided code-network
#172 put sparklines on front page new somebody enhancement undecided website
#173 How does tahoe filesystem layer (lafs) handle lots of file-upload tasks? new somebody enhancement eventually dev-infrastructure
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) new zooko enhancement soon packaging
#200 writing of shares is fragile and "tahoe stop" is unnecessarily harsh new warner enhancement eventually code-storage
#203 add deep-copy function to web API new enhancement eventually code-frontend-web
#204 "virtual CDs" new enhancement code-dirnodes
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs assigned zooko enhancement code-mutable
#224 bandwidth throttling new enhancement undecided code-network
#232 Peer selection doesn't rebalance shares on overwrite of mutable file. new warner defect soon code-mutable
#235 scale up to many nodes new enhancement undecided code-network
#268 implement CHK download helper new warner enhancement undecided code-encoding
#270 test for interrupted writes of mutable files new zooko defect soon code-mutable
#277 make the wui show the underlying LAFS model -- one WUI page per link in LAFS new zooko enhancement eventually code-frontend-web
#283 implement mutable-file upload/download helpers new enhancement undecided code-mutable
#284 helper farm new warner task undecided code-encoding
#287 download: tolerate lost or missing servers new defect eventually code-encoding
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads new warner enhancement soon code-encoding
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes new task undecided code-network
#296 enforce timeout on DYHB queries? new defect eventually code-network
#307 maybe add node metadata? (in addition to edge metadata) new enhancement undecided code-encoding
#308 add directory traversal / deep-verify capability? new enhancement code-dirnodes
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts new somebody enhancement eventually operational
#316 add caching to tahoe proper? new somebody enhancement undecided code
#317 measurements of grid usage for the TestGrid page reopened somebody enhancement eventually operational
#318 wapi: test that we return 200 or 201 as appropriate new defect soon code-frontend-web
#320 add streaming (on-line) upload to HTTP interface assigned zooko enhancement eventually code-encoding
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects new defect soon code-frontend-web
#325 flogtool scalability/performance new warner defect undecided operational
#327 performance measurement of directories assigned zooko enhancement eventually code-dirnodes
#333 immutable-uploader-helper leftovers new warner task eventually code-encoding
#337 how does the whole system handle lots of file-upload tasks? new somebody defect eventually code
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements new enhancement soon code-network
#362 enhance upload to search longer and more completely for shares new kevan defect undecided code-peerselection
#366 address Nathan Wilcox's concerns about "Tahoe and the browser security model" assigned blaisep defect eventually code-frontend-web
#371 corrupted introducer.furl causes subtle startup breakage new defect eventually code-nodeadmin
#383 large directories take a long time to modify new enhancement eventually code-dirnodes
#390 'readonly_storage' and 'reserved_space' not honored for mutable-slot write requests new defect eventually code-storage
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT new task soon code-mutable
#395 why are so many helper files being abandoned? new somebody task eventually operational
#397 increase helper fetch blocksize to 1MB new task eventually code-encoding
#403 grid identifier new enhancement code-peerselection
#406 end-to-end encoding self-test assigned zooko defect eventually code-encoding
#413 mutable files: expose version info to HTTP clients new enhancement eventually code-frontend-web
#414 profiling on directory unpacking new zooko defect eventually code-dirnodes
#432 writing down filecaps: revise URI scheme new task code-encoding
#437 automatically schedule tests of large files new somebody defect eventually dev-infrastructure
#444 reduce number of active connections: connect-on-demand new enhancement undecided code-network
#445 implement relay: allow storage servers behind NAT new somebody enhancement undecided code-network
#447 explore improved peer-selection approaches: chord, reliability-based new enhancement undecided code-peerselection
#449 deletion: maintain per-account file manifest, cancel leases upon removal new enhancement undecided code-storage
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB new enhancement undecided code-encoding
#462 PUT should elicit 100 Continue new defect soon code-frontend-web
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes new task undecided code-storage
#465 add a mutable-file cache new enhancement eventually code-mutable
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads new leif enhancement soon code-peerselection
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service new enhancement undecided code-storage
#471 servermap update chart doesn't fit new defect eventually code-frontend-web
#474 uncaught exception in mutable-retrieve: UCW between mapupdate and retrieve new defect soon code-mutable
#480 mutable storage-server API needs a way to refuse shares new defect undecided code-mutable
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI new enhancement undecided code-encoding
#484 client feedback channel new somebody enhancement undecided operational
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage new somebody task undecided operational
#488 Thunderbird plugin new enhancement undecided code-frontend
#492 mutable files: add ciphertext hash tree to signature block new zooko defect eventually code-mutable
#500 what happens if you run out of sequence numbers in mutable files new defect undecided code-mutable
#501 NotMutableError (now NotWriteableError) escaping into the twistd.log assigned davidsarah defect undecided code-encoding
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command new enhancement eventually code-frontend-cli
#512 FTP frontend needs tests assigned davidsarah defect soon code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#521 disconnect unresponsive servers (using foolscap's disconnectTimeout) new warner defect undecided code-network
#529 Implement Halt and Catch Fire new defect undecided code-frontend-web
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish new defect soon code-mutable
#543 repair/rebalancing service new enhancement eventually code-storage
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output assigned francois enhancement eventually code-frontend-cli
#547 mapupdate(MODE_WRITE) triggers on a false boundary new defect soon code-mutable
#548 mutable publish sends queries to servers that have already been asked new defect soon code-mutable
#549 MODE_WRITE mapupdate: maybe increase epsilon to handle large batches of new servers better assigned bazuka defect soon code-mutable
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes assigned davidsarah defect soon code-frontend-web
#562 add a "censor" command to filter out sensitive information from log files new somebody defect eventually code
#563 anonymize IP addresses in log files new somebody defect soon code
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data assigned rvs enhancement soon code-frontend-web
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap new daira defect soon code-frontend-web
#579 report corrupted shares new defect undecided code-storage
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.