Custom Query (30 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1281 implement a notification mechanism, e.g. for accounting messages new somebody enhancement major undecided
#1283 support running as a service on Windows new enhancement major undecided
#1288 support streaming uploads in uploader new enhancement major undecided
#1290 replace all use of pickles with JSON new somebody defect major undecided
#1293 servers-of-happiness is too conservative when K = 1 assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1299 make 'tahoe debug dump-cap' print attenuated versions of the cap, and give it a better command name new defect major undecided
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1310 separate "gateway state directory" from "client state directory" reopened warner defect major undecided
#1312 tiddly_on_tahoe says "saving please wait...done" *after* it is finished saving new nobody defect major undecided
#1315 tiddly_on_tahoe put back saveBackup functionality new nobody defect major undecided
#1316 tiddly_on_tahoe caching issue -- must hit reload to see new contents new nobody defect major undecided
#1317 button to create a new tiddly_on_tahoe instance new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1318 tiddly_on_tahoe wrong error message when server is unreachable new nobody defect major undecided
#1319 tiddly_on_tahoe Suggested feature: blog comments new nuttycom defect major undecided
#1321 tiddly_on_tahoe writes itself more times than necessary? new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1323 tiddly_on_tahoe header should link to immutable as well as to read-only links new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1324 tiddly_on_tahoe Make the default tiddlywiki indicate capability being used to access it. new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1325 make `tahoe backup` keep more filesystem metadata new nobody enhancement major undecided
#1327 tiddly_on_tahoe Tahoe patches change tiddlywiki behavior in unexpected way new nobody defect major undecided
#1336 improve the mechanism that causes test nodes to exit even if not successfully stopped assigned daira defect major undecided
#1338 reduce CLI startup overhead by importing less assigned daira defect major soon
#1343 how does a packager find version requirements for indirect dependencies? new somebody defect major undecided
#1830 Upload (sometimes?) ignores shares.happy in tahoe.cfg new kmarkley86 defect major soon
#1280 deal with fragile, but disposable, bucket state files new daira defect normal soon
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output new defect normal undecided
#1332 fails to start up on readonly filesystem when it tried to rmdir the incoming directory new zancas defect normal soon
#1340 consider share-at-a-time uploader new enhancement normal undecided
#1279 silent failure of bin/tahoe when root partition is out of space? reopened somebody defect minor undecided
#1333 'private/' subdir of BASEDIR should be created during 'tahoe create-alias' and friends assigned Lcstyle defect minor soon
#1342 rename tests of packaging and improve them to avoid spurious system-dependent test failures assigned davidsarah enhancement minor soon
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