Custom Query (3714 matches)


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Results (3001 - 3100 of 3714)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3858 release 1.17.1 closed task normal undecided
#3860 Finish up immutable HTTP download/upload APIs closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3861 Support more than just CBOR in HTTP protocol new task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3862 Refactor throw_out_all_data feature of new enhancement normal undecided
#3863 builtins.AttributeError: 'FileTransferServer' object has no attribute '_ebClose' new defect normal undecided
#3864 The sftp accounts file could support aliases to make configuration easier new defect normal undecided
#3865 Drop Python 3.6 closed itamarst task normal undecided
#3866 Dropping Python 3.6 means we can do some code cleanup new enhancement normal undecided
#3867 Switch to mach-nix closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3868 IStorageServer test framework support for the HTTP storage protocol closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3869 Intermittent allmydata.test.test_storage_http.GenericHTTPAPITests.test_bad_authentication failure new defect normal undecided
#3870 The NixOS CI use of "Cachix" does not correctly detect "forked" PRs, has authentication errors closed defect normal undecided
#3871 Implement HTTP API endpoint: list shares for storage index closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3872 Limit memory and CPU usage of writes/reads via HTTP storage server closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3873 Drop Python 2 support closed enhancement normal Support Python 3
#3874 Incorrect encode in allmydata.testing.web._FakeTahoeUriHandler.render_GET closed defect normal undecided
#3875 Server/client code for HTTP storage protocol fURLs closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3876 Generate upload secret per bucket closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3877 Continue implementation of immutable APIs for HTTP storage closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3878 Potential denial of service attack by rogue servers new defect normal undecided
#3879 Continue implementation of immutable APIs for HTTP storage some more closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3880 Add logging to HTTP storage protocol, part 1 closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3881 Make CBOR usage in HTTP Storage Protocol tied to HTTP headers closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3882 Flaky hypothesis test in test_storage_http closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3883 The dependency of allmydata.stats.CPUUsageMonitor on foolscap is unnecessary closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3884 Improved testing for HTTPS storage client logic: when server's private key doesn't match public key, and when cert is signed by well-known CA new task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3885 the netifaces library is unmaintained new defect normal undecided
#3886 It is inconvenient to test code using `async def` using Tahoe's unittest-based testing tools new enhancement normal undecided
#3887 HTTPConnectionPool briefly leaks reactor state in a way that makes resource cleanup more complicated new defect normal undecided
#3888 Handling Tor and i2p in NURLs closed defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3889 update nix packaging to latest nixos 21.11 / pypi db closed defect normal undecided
#3890 Implement just enough read+write mutable APIs for HTTP storage client closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3891 Mutable HTTP protocol, part 2 closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3892 Tahoe Website Makeover new defect normal undecided
#3893 Mutable HTTP protocol, part 3 closed itamarst enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3894 There should be a discoverable development roadmap new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#3895 Tor integration tests are failing closed itamarst defect normal undecided
#3896 Mutable HTTP protocol, part 4 closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3897 Support for I2P is broken closed exarkun defect normal undecided
#3898 Another problem with Tor integration tests closed itamarst defect normal undecided
#3899 No indication of failure if we can't match an "announcement" new defect normal undecided
#3900 Sphinx 5 broke documentation builds closed itamarst defect normal undecided
#3901 End-to-end support for new HTTP storage protocol: tracking issue closed task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3902 Storage nodes can start up with the HTTP storage protocol in addition to Foolscap closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3903 Convert the Nix packaging to use flakes closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3904 Perform a holistic review of the GBS HTTP server implementation closed exarkun task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3905 When both Foolscap and HTTP API are used on same StorageServer, there are some bad interactions closed defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3906 Make max read size in HTTP storage client configurable via tahoe.cfg new task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3907 HTTP storage protocol should not support requests beyond the end of the share closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3908 Detect invalid HTTP storage server responses early, close request new enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3909 New werkzeug 2.2 breaks HTTP storage server closed itamarst defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3910 Storage HTTP server + client support for `.onion` NURLs closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3911 Tor-specific routing policy for the HTTP storage client new enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3912 Storage server announces HTTP storage protocol with NURLs closed itamarst task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3913 Test failure in closed itamarst defect normal undecided
#3914 Loading a huge RSA key is _extremely_ slow on Ubuntu 22.04 closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3915 Size passed to IStorageServer.allocate_bytes is bigger than actual share size closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3916 Refactor tests that can but do not use base test classes. new defect normal undecided
#3917 Refactor UtilTests class closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3918 Refactor MutableChecker tests new defect normal undecided
#3919 Refactor ConfigUtilTests and Pipeline tests new defect normal undecided
#3920 Refactor TestRegression (test_crypto) new defect normal undecided
#3922 There are some minor errors in the GBS specification closed defect normal undecided
#3923 Refactor allmydata.immutable.encode.Encoder to separate out the uri_extension code new enhancement normal undecided
#3924 Test for allmydata.immutable.layout.WriteBucketProxy invariant new enhancement normal undecided
#3925 revamp "tahoe run" new enhancement normal undecided
#3926 pid-file with creation-time closed enhancement normal undecided
#3927 release 1.18 closed defect normal undecided
#3928 i2p tests failing closed itamarst defect normal undecided
#3930 GitHub Actions should upload logs even if tests fail new itamarst enhancement normal undecided
#3931 Factor functionality related to running a storage service into a separate class from `_Client` new enhancement normal undecided
#3932 Library code to parse NURLs and fURLs new enhancement normal undecided
#3933 upgrade autobahn new enhancement normal undecided
#3934 Enable HTTP protocol for storage closed task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3935 Happy Eyeballs for NURLs closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3936 storage_client respects the force_foolscap option closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3937 Get basic integration tests passing with HTTP storage protocol closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3938 Support for pycddl 0.2 closed defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3939 HTTP protocol is significantly slower than Foolscap protocol closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3940 Add timeouts for all HTTP storage client operations closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3941 When tests fail, make it easier to find why in Github Actions new enhancement normal undecided
#3942 A GBS request without authorization provokes an internal server error closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3943 Tor tests fail on Ubuntu 22.04 new defect normal Integration and Unit Testing
#3944 GitHub Actions workflow upkeep closed sajith task normal undecided
#3945 Retry moody GitHub Actions steps closed sajith task normal undecided
#3946 Reduce HTTP protocol chattiness for downloads closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3947 Use `async def` for tests in src/allmydata/test/mutable/ closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3948 Remove all of the dynamicism from new defect normal undecided
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned exarkun task normal undecided
#3950 tox 4 was released and causes significant regressions closed defect normal undecided
#3951 Tox breaks Tahoe-LAFS CI a lot new defect normal undecided
#3952 Benchmarks for basic immutable Tahoe operations (upload and download) closed enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3953 tox "typechecks" and "codechecks" are run in a lot of places but don't need to be closed defect normal undecided
#3954 Make HTTP no slower than Foolscap for immutable downloads closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3955 High-level benchmarking suite, as part of attempt to speed up Tahoe new task normal Performance and Benchmarking
#3956 Uploading a 20MB mutable fails in HTTP, but succeeds in Foolscap closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3957 Make HTTP no slower than Foolscap for mutable uploads and downloads new enhancement normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#3958 It is inconvenient to change the Python dependency set closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#3959 More extensive end-to-end testing for Tahoe to exercise HTTP storage protocol closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal HTTP Storage Protocol
#3960 Sometimes Windows CI fails with "No space left on device" closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.