Custom Query (857 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 857)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Resolution: fixed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3967 update the nix package's pycddl dependency to 0.4 exarkun defect normal unknown n/a
#3969 The NixOS CI use of "Cachix" does not correctly detect "forked" PRs, has authentication errors (redux) exarkun defect normal unknown n/a
#3974 Remove the Dockerfiles GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3982 Python 3.11 support GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3986 Formalize the Great Black Swamp specification using RFC 2119 terms GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3987 Replace the use of `mach-nix` for nix packaging with something else GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3989 The `tenacity` dependency costs a lot and brings a little GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3991 The Nix package does not build for PyPy or CPython 3.11 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3993 Uncalibrated reports of the amount of time required to generate an RSA key appear in the documentation GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3994 The CircleCI config could be factored to allow more sharing between similar NixOS jobs GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3996 Update to newer flake8 and pylint for codechecks GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3997 Tahoe-LAFS is incompatible with cryptography 40 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#3999 The Tor integration tests do incorrect raw string mashing to generate configuration files GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4000 The Tor integration tests fail hard if the required command-line tools are missing GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4001 The integration test suite doesn't consistently propagate the calling process's environment to child processes GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4002 The Tor integration tests involve always cloning a new copy of Chutney over the internet GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4003 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4004 Abstract over configuration manipulation done by `write_node_config` in `` GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4006 Remove the Ubuntu unit test jobs from GitHub Actions GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4010 codecov Python package no longer works itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#4012 Add timeout to blocking HTTP client GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4014 Remove pylint from codechecks GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4015 Improve linting coverage itamarst enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4018 Include flog gatherer logs in output of integration tests GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4019 The tox-based jobs that run on CircleCI don't hold their dependencies fixed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4022 CI takes forever to run, never finishes itamarst defect normal unknown n/a
#4024 Remove werkzeug pin, now that klein works with it again GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4026 Doc builds are broken GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4035 Upgrade to modern MyPy GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4036 There is no way to run a node without stdin GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4044 allmydata.test.web.test_webish.TahoeLAFSSiteTests.test_large_request fails sometimes GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4045 The CI typechecks job fails after the click 8.1.4 release GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4049 Some tests fail when run with superuser privileges GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4050 Upgrades for type checking GitHub <noreply@…> task normal unknown n/a
#4051 The `tor_introducer` fixture should wait for the `tor_network` fixture GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4055 `await_client_ready` waits for the incorrect condition while trying to ensure enough servers are reachable GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4057 Move Windows unit tests to CircleCI GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4059 bump subunitreporter to 23.8.0 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4061 Add test vectors for GBS SPKI hash calculation exarkun defect normal unknown n/a
#4062 Update to latest Twisted for type checking etc. GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4063 allmydata.test.test_storage_http fails on PyPy (perhaps due to new release of Hypothesis) GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4066 Add test vectors for tagged_hash, tagged_pair_hash, and HashTree defect normal unknown n/a
#4070 Fix type checking errors caused by new hypothesis GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4071 Python 3.12 support GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4074 Remove usage of pkg_resources, as it is deprecated GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4082 Upgrade mypy and mypy-zope task normal unknown n/a
#4087 cbor2 encoding of >65KiB strings fails (on some systems) defect normal unknown n/a
#4088 Disable C-based CBOR encoding GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4090 Get rid of unnecessary __future__ imports GitHub <noreply@…> task normal unknown n/a
#4091 fragile test GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal unknown n/a
#4092 Remove unnecessary future imports GitHub <noreply@…> task normal unknown n/a
#4093 Remove (most of the) reliance on the future package GitHub <noreply@…> task normal unknown n/a
#60 current "Priority:" setting isn't useful somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.6.0
#179 rewrite our Makefile in Python instead of GNUmake somebody enhancement major packaging 0.6.1
#279 trac->mailing list somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.7.0
#313 periodic automated test of prodnet grid zandr enhancement major operational 0.7.0
#342 irc archive somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#348 BuildBot step to run tests from package cgalvan enhancement major dev-infrastructure 0.8.0
#350 have xfer-client return an error code if it doesn't succeed warner defect major dev-infrastructure 0.9.0
#401 command-line: tahoe ls's way of saying "No such file or directory" leaves something to be desired davidsarah defect major code-frontend-cli 1.0.0
#424 stdeb: push to upstream zooko defect major packaging 1.0.0
#490 uninitialized memory access in TahoeFS booker defect major code-frontend-w32 1.1.0
#505 wanted: a setuptools plugin to make unit tests be executed with trial instead of with pyunit cgalvan enhancement major packaging 1.2.0
#513 mail copies of new tickets to tahoe-dev somebody enhancement major dev-infrastructure 1.2.0
#519 can't Register new accounts in Trac zooko defect major dev-infrastructure 1.2.0
#520 indicate size limits early in helper protocol defect major code-encoding 1.2.0
#526 simplify install.html so that it doesn't require GNU make somebody enhancement major packaging 1.2.0
#545 uploading too-large mutable file causes huge memory usage, 100% CPU defect major code-mutable 1.2.0
#553 "More Info" link should point to a file/dir, not a dir+childname zooko defect major code-frontend-web 1.2.0
#558 kpreid says that the -SUMO tarballs don't exist cgalvan defect major packaging 1.2.0
#561 cpu-watcher not resilient to corrupted pickles defect major code-nodeadmin 1.2.0
#572 deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0 nobody defect major unknown 1.2.0
#575 Tests fail due to sub-process tahoe environment. zooko defect major unknown 1.2.0
#588 "tahoe start" fails even though "tahoe --version" works cgalvan defect major unknown 1.2.0
#591 "make quicktest" could be quicker and less noisy warner defect major packaging 1.2.0
#638 Patch to build with Ubuntu interpid. nobody enhancement major unknown 1.3.0
#694 remove hard limit on mutable file size kevan defect major unknown 1.4.1
#710 exception from binascii.unhexlify when handling announcements on Python 2.4.1 somebody defect major code 1.4.1
#757 there isn't a doc that says "which operations are efficient" nobody enhancement major documentation 1.4.1
#780 Regularly snapshot dev infrastructure. nejucomo enhancement major dev-infrastructure unknown
#792 upload Tahoe-LAFS into Karmic Koala warner task major packaging 1.5.0
#867 use ipv6 warner enhancement major code-network 1.5.0
#899 UncoordinatedWriteError on prod grid kmarkley86 defect major code-mutable 1.5.0
#934 Update NEWS for tickets fixed in 1.6.0 nobody defect major unknown 1.5.0
#988 Build fails when byte-compiling is disabled somebody defect major packaging 1.6.0
#1015 needs doc: attempts to build from source of dependencies such as pycryptopp and pyOpenSSL nejucomo defect major packaging 1.6.1
#1069 allow linking with QPL code somebody enhancement major documentation 1.6.1
#1097 Directory.xhtml is not correctly displayed with Internet Explorer zooko defect major unknown 1.7.0
#1183 Update the logo for the site to be the new Tahoe-LAFS logo by kpreid secorp enhancement major unknown 1.8β
#1261 Permission problems on tahoe-lafs-dep-eggs somebody defect major packaging 1.8.0
#1313 tiddly_on_tahoe shouldn't offer the option to save changes when you are viewing read-only nobody defect major unknown 1.8.1
#1314 tiddly_on_tahoe should "offer a read-only cap to the user" nobody defect major unknown 1.8.1
#1360 setting '[ftpd]enabled = true' caused 'tahoe run' to fail silently defect major code-frontend-ftp-sftp 1.8.2
#1427 Differences between Freenet and Tahoe marlowe task major unknown 1.8.2
#1465 Move ImmutableShare to backend specific module, add "backend" interface to Storage Server, use twisted's FilePath zancas enhancement major code-storage 1.8.2
#1466 don't attempt to import pyutil (in the created by darcsver); use allmydata.util.verlib or distutils.version.LooseVersion instead somebody defect major packaging 1.8.2
#1471 Make Crawlers Compatible With Pluggable Backends enhancement major code-storage 1.8.2
#1587 I want an indicator of progress on a backup somebody enhancement major code 1.9.0b1
#1591 S3 backend: use endpoint URI to choose whether to put the bucket name in the path or host defect major code-storage 1.9.0
#1595 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_introducer.SystemTest.test_system on Windows: Address already in use somebody defect major code 1.9.0
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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