Custom Query (164 matches)


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Results (101 - 164 of 164)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1340 consider share-at-a-time uploader new enhancement normal undecided
#1514 memory usage in MDMF retrieve new defect normal soon
#1543 rearrange share format to make downloads faster new enhancement normal undecided
#1581 Trac file uploads/attachments failing/corrupted assigned zooko defect normal soon
#1687 store copy of block-hash-chain with each block new enhancement normal undecided
#1765 gossip-introducer should forget about old nodes somehow new warner enhancement normal soon
#1768 intermittent test_system failure new defect normal undecided
#1933 announcement seqnums: respond to state-rollback new enhancement normal undecided
#1935 bad behavior when localhost is down new warner defect normal undecided
#2024 downloader hangs when server returns empty string new defect normal eventually
#2300 missing git tags causes tests to fail new defect normal soon
#2386 updating unhealthy MDMF files: likely problem new defect normal undecided
#2387 transverse block-hash-trees, plus segment-hash-tree new enhancement normal undecided
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support new task normal undecided
#2741 improve the OS-X packages new daira task normal undecided
#2748 move to Versioneer for git-based version-string generation new warner task normal soon
#2761 self-update command new enhancement normal undecided
#2764 publish a new (redirecting) `allmydata-tahoe` to PyPI new task normal soon
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page new enhancement normal undecided
#2785 docs concept: task / things-to-learn / things-to-do new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library new task normal undecided
#2796 add share-type argument to storage server protocol new enhancement normal undecided
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool new task normal undecided
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory new defect normal undecided
#2823 "tahoe cp FILE ALIAS:" does unnecessary directory reads new defect normal undecided
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib new task normal undecided
#2828 address remaining anonymity-violating linkages new defect normal undecided
#2837 create-node --listen=tor hangs with tor- new defect normal undecided
#2850 ugly (temporary) error message when connecting to new onion server new defect normal soon
#2851 --listen=tor failure leaves partial directory in place new defect normal undecided
#2852 move NEWS.rst into docs/, add to readthedocs build new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#2864 welcome page can't display when introducer connection has problems new defect normal soon
#2891 fix intermittent test coverage new defect normal undecided
#2914 test_magic_folder timeout on windows new defect normal soon
#92 add upload-status page: progress and to-whom info new warner enhancement minor eventually
#198 count TODOs, display per file new warner enhancement minor undecided
#266 when cryptography has random-access AES, update helper to use it new warner enhancement minor eventually
#306 Clean up code terminology: "SSK" vs "slot", etc new somebody task minor undecided
#375 include "retry backoff limit" in introducer announcements? new enhancement minor undecided
#377 conditionalize plaintext-hasher in upload new enhancement minor eventually
#386 upload status page should show nicknames new akp enhancement minor eventually
#427 what happens when a file changes as you're copying it? new defect minor undecided
#430 upload/download status: add recently-finished operations new warner enhancement minor eventually
#433 mailing list archives are threaded weirdly new zandr defect minor undecided
#446 shrink UEB: derive more fields from version+filesize new enhancement minor undecided
#508 'tahoe debug verify-share' command new somebody task minor undecided
#524 upgrade notification new enhancement minor undecided
#600 storage: maybe store buckets as files, not directories new warner enhancement minor undecided
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy assigned zooko task minor undecided
#895 add "tahoe flogtool SUBCOMMAND" new enhancement minor undecided
#903 webapi t=mkdir-with-children and mkdir-immutable: behavior when directory already exists? new defect minor eventually
#904 tahoe ls -l: show "i"/"m" instead of useless "x" new enhancement minor eventually
#916 "tahoe cp": audit use of "mutable" flag new defect minor undecided
#1157 new downloader could still get block data from shares with UEB/hashchain corruption new enhancement minor undecided
#1333 'private/' subdir of BASEDIR should be created during 'tahoe create-alias' and friends assigned Lcstyle defect minor soon
#1518 zero-byte MDMF reads should not fetch any segments assigned warner defect minor eventually
#1537 fix some Interface violations new daira defect minor soon
#1544 downloader: coordinate crypttext_hash_tree requests new enhancement minor undecided
#1560 POST /uri?t=upload should give Upload Results consistently (even mutable) new defect minor eventually
#2768 intermittent DirtyReactor failures in test_system.Connections.test_rref new defect minor undecided
#2777 modernize tests new task minor undecided
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition new task minor undecided
#2797 explain two timestamps on WUI server listings new defect minor soon
#2899 ValueOrderedDict throws IndexError when given equal non-identical keys new defect minor undecided
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