Custom Query (85 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#284 helper farm new warner major undecided code-encoding
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes new major undecided code-network
#333 immutable-uploader-helper leftovers new warner major eventually code-encoding
#394 mutable publish: add timing charts to measure RTT new major soon code-mutable
#395 why are so many helper files being abandoned? new somebody major eventually operational
#397 increase helper fetch blocksize to 1MB new major eventually code-encoding
#432 writing down filecaps: revise URI scheme new major code-encoding
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes new major undecided code-storage
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage new somebody major undecided operational
#656 tahoewapi: Verify against the CAJA verifier. new nejucomo major undecided contrib
#666 Accounting: limit storage space used by different parties new davidsarah major code-storage
#847 create internal VerifierNode/RepairerNode classes new somebody major soon code
#865 Document current crypto and encoding in detail new ioerror major eventually documentation
#1023 Cloud App: Music player new davidsarah major soon contrib
#1184 Clean up the front page of the project site new secorp major undecided website
#1213 Should support change of hash functions new somebody major undecided code
#1439 add docs/tests.rst documenting how to run tests and how to interpret the output new somebody major eventually documentation
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion new tarcieri major undecided code-frontend
#1530 automated comparative 'k' performance tests and graphs new warner major soon dev-infrastructure
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. new major undecided code-frontend-web
#3535 Document crypto used in grid-manager new major undecided code
#3724 Tahoe-LAFS logo and branding assets new anxhelo major New Landing Page and Asset Management documentation
#4124 Create proper rollback for bad commits new meejah major Contributor Experience dev-infrastructure
#1890 submit proposal for restrict-referrer-leakage to the CSP standardizers and implementors assigned davidsarah normal soon code-frontend-web
#2049 Decide where "packaging tests" should live. new nejucomo normal soon dev-infrastructure
#2131 Create Launchpad PPAs for stable and daily builds new normal soon packaging
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage new JGillispie normal undecided documentation
#2345 Increase Public Awareness of Tahoe-LAFS new nobody normal soon documentation
#2419 add documentation for use of Tahoe with Docker assigned blaisep normal soon documentation
#2478 back up metadata from github (PRs, commit comments, etc.) new normal soon dev-infrastructure
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) assigned daira normal undecided documentation
#2730 Added Missing TWN Issues to HTML assigned marlowe normal undecided documentation
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support new normal undecided code-nodeadmin
#2741 improve the OS-X packages new daira normal undecided packaging
#2748 move to Versioneer for git-based version-string generation new warner normal soon packaging
#2764 publish a new (redirecting) `allmydata-tahoe` to PyPI new normal soon dev-infrastructure
#2785 docs concept: task / things-to-learn / things-to-do new blaisep normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library new normal undecided packaging
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool new normal undecided code
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib new normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#2852 move NEWS.rst into docs/, add to readthedocs build new blaisep normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#3400 Cut an incremental release (2020-09) new meejah normal soon unknown
#3477 Omit installing vcpython27 on Windows CI new sajith normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test new exarkun normal undecided unknown
#3554 Rename uri.{to,from}_string to uri.{to,from}_bytes new normal code
#3685 Integration test for upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 new normal unknown
#3720 On Python 3, filesystem paths and sys.argv should use os.fsencode/os.fsdecode for encoding new normal unknown
#3754 Release 1.16.0 new fenn-cs normal unknown
#3755 GBS design discussion reopened normal unknown
#3771 Possible improvements for GET /v1/immutable/:storage_index/shares (and mutable equivalent) new exarkun normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3778 No way to abort immutable upload new exarkun normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3787 Batch sizes when uploading immutables are hardcoded new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3796 Add a Style Guide for Tahoe-LAFS documentation new YashNRam normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#3809 Rename IStorageServer to IStorageClient new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3857 Add retries to HTTP storage client APIs new itamarst normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3861 Support more than just CBOR in HTTP protocol new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3884 Improved testing for HTTPS storage client logic: when server's private key doesn't match public key, and when cert is signed by well-known CA new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3906 Make max read size in HTTP storage client configurable via tahoe.cfg new normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2 unknown
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned exarkun normal undecided unknown
#3955 High-level benchmarking suite, as part of attempt to speed up Tahoe new normal Performance and Benchmarking unknown
#4011 New solution for code coverage new normal undecided unknown
#4086 Release signatures (not available on PyPI any more) new normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4095 Move off Trac - Initiation new normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4104 Meeting Notes Consolidation assigned blaisep normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#4113 Automate the NEW tutorial commands new blaisep normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#4125 HOWTO daemonize tahoe new blaisep normal User Documentation Goals documentation
#4137 Update Fedora builder image new normal Automate Release Process dev-infrastructure
#4142 Review and make sure all 3rd party services are owned by active members new normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4143 Refresh docker builder images new normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4148 Update Coding Standards which still claims compatibility with Python 2.7 new normal undecided documentation
#4150 CI: Test our Debian package for/with upcoming Debian Trixie assigned hacklschorsch normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4156 Delete Slack workspace new normal undecided unknown
#4160 Re-target new normal undecided unknown
#4161 Move off Trac - Execution - Forgejo new normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#4163 update expenses/donations for Magic Internet new normal undecided unknown
#4168 Update tahoe man page new normal undecided packaging
#4169 Create man page for grid manager assigned hacklschorsch normal undecided packaging
#306 Clean up code terminology: "SSK" vs "slot", etc new somebody minor undecided code
#508 'tahoe debug verify-share' command new somebody minor undecided operational
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy assigned zooko minor undecided packaging
#1185 discuss and select from logo designs new zooko minor undecided website
#1276 Add recent twitter posts to front page of site new secorp minor undecided website
#2777 modernize tests new minor undecided code
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition new minor undecided code
#4153 Copyright notice in readme is outdated assigned hacklschorsch minor undecided unknown
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.