Custom Query (2576 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 2576)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2016 Not enough available servers are found daira defect major 1.10.1 code-peerselection
#2022 Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore markberger enhancement normal 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2023 regression coincident with iputil fixes, on FreeBSD and Slackware daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2027 Inconsistent 'tahoe cp' behavior defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2029 'tahoe cp' gives a bad error message when no file name is specified. enhancement normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2032 `pip` managed install is broken. defect major 1.10.1 packaging
#2034 Update for mutable files is sensitive to the number of servers warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-mutable
#2048 allmydata.test.test_cli.Cp.test_copy_using_filecap is really slow due to a test bug daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2067 licensing info is duplicated between README.txt and docs/about.rst file daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2086 Use Twine to Upload Packages to PyPI warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2087 clarify the literal command-lines in quickstart.rst marlowe defect normal 1.10.1 documentation
#2092 'make clean' shouldn't remove the src/allmydata_tahoe.egg-info directory zooko defect major 1.10.1 packaging
#2105 fix the definition of needs-rebalancing daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#2106 RAIC behaviour different from RAID behaviour defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2121 test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem fails on OSX 10.9 daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2122 Update jQuery to address CVE-2011-4969 defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2128 comments in tahoe.cfg cause introducers to appear down daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-nodeadmin
#2165 use bigger random one-time keys, rename to "timing_safe_compare" daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 code
#2193 pyOpenSSL 0.14 pulls in a bunch of new dependencies daira defect major 1.10.1 packaging
#2208 excluded from Debian because of no-source-code-included files warner defect critical 1.10.1 packaging
#2209 Missing `allmydata/web/static/img` subdirectory when installed from `pip`. daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2233 CLI: 'tahoe $SUBCOMMAND --help' no longer shows "global" options warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2235 Error from 'tahoe cp' on Windows, due to a long path (IOError: Errno2 - no such file or dir.) defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2242 exception from parsing requirements daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2245 fix current pyflakes warnings Brian Warner <warner@…> defect minor 1.10.1 code
#2249 Installed distribution Twisted 12.2.0 [for example] conflicts with requirement twisted>=13.0 of nevow 0.11.1 warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2256 iputil does not support FreeBSD 10 defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2281 remove trialcoverage (the bwverbose-coverage reporter plugin​) daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2282 remove the feature of auto-installing stdeb warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2287 Bad file descriptor error in buildslave daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2289 make tests with branch coverage easier to run daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2291 what should the version requirement on nevow be? daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2296 tahoe with torsocks 2.0 leads to "[Errno 1] Operation not permitted" daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2304 Create an OSX automated packaging test which exercises building, installing ``pkg`` file. defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2305 remove obsolete tools from misc nejucomo enhancement minor 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2312 DeprecationWarning about passing non-bytes header values warner defect minor 1.10.1 code
#2315 tarballs are not uploading correctly zooko defect critical 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2318 release v1.10.1 warner task major 1.10.1 packaging
#2320 won't build on windows 7 defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2323 opening "" from OS X package gives an error message defect minor 1.10.1 packaging
#2329 cp -r stops with an exception warner defect major 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2340 poor error reporting when "git describe" fails during update_version daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2347 include git hash in the full version info warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2354 new version of setuptools changes semantics of version alternatives warner defect critical 1.10.1 packaging
#2360 write and deploy a buildbot step that builds and tests the Mac OS X package task normal 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2371 what download shall we take those days defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2374 make sure tahoe is compatible with the new twisted-15.0.0 task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2378 the test-from-egg buildstep has started failing on all builders daira defect major 1.10.1 packaging
#2380 build warnings due to bitrot in daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2388 "AssertionError: paths must be Unicode strings" when starting a node daira defect critical 1.10.1 code-nodeadmin
#2393 name OS-X .pkg after the tahoe version warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2394 ftp "ls" command is broken warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#2397 add design doc for Magic Folder local filesystem integration daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2398 test_ftp_auth_keyfile reported to fail on Windows daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#2399 cp -r tries to mkdir the directory more than once warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2400 OpenSSL.crypto.Error (unknown message digest algorithm) when starting a node, using OpenSSL 1.0.1k-fips daira defect major 1.10.1 packaging
#2415 document dependency changes since 1.10.0 in NEWS.rst daira task normal 1.10.1 documentation
#2416 allow working with Twisted >= 13 on Windows if pywin32 is manually installed daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2417 HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables may not be set on Windows 7+ daira defect major 1.10.1 code
#2418 add design doc for Magic Folder remote-to-local sync dawuud defect major 1.10.1 documentation
#2433 dead code: NamedTemporaryDirectory daira defect minor 1.10.1 code
#2328 consider adding "install the python-dev package" step to quickstart warner defect normal 1.10.2 documentation
#2436 "tahoe --version" shouldn't show scary diagnostic warnings daira defect normal 1.10.2 packaging
#2447 `tahoe cp alias1:dir1/fname alias1:dir2/fname .` overwrites one of the files warner defect normal 1.10.2 code-frontend-cli
#2459 webapi doesn't handle Range header correctly daira defect major 1.10.2 code-frontend-web
#2460 webapi.rst should document that Range requests are supported daira defect normal 1.10.2 documentation
#2461 should document out-of-range errors daira defect normal 1.10.2 documentation
#2462 remove bare asserts for segment out-of-range errors in mutable retrieve warner defect normal 1.10.2 code-mutable
#2465 build failure: mock vs zetuptoolz warner defect major 1.10.2 packaging
#2470 Build Failure AttributeError 'module' has no 'version' daira defect normal 1.10.2 packaging
#2479 Run the automated test suite on PyPy daira enhancement normal 1.10.2 dev-infrastructure
#142 pywin32 can't be installed automatically daira defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#657 "python ./ test" rebuilds packages zooko defect minor 1.11.0 packaging
#709 hard to run against alternate dependencies, e.g. trunk version of Foolscap warner defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#717 unnecessary rebuild of dependencies when tahoe-deps/ is present cgalvan defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#799 open tickets for Brian's packaging complaints somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1009 -SUMO package doesn't build on XP warner defect minor 1.11.0 packaging
#1168 make more easily patchable by OS packagers zooko defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#1220 build/install should be able to refrain from getting dependencies gdt defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1238 investigate using tox to run tests somebody enhancement major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1258 having Tahoe or any dependency installed in site-packages (or any other shared directory) can cause us to run or test the wrong code davidsarah defect major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1260 there should be a way to force compiling C extensions from source somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1270 have a separate build target to download any missing deps but not to compile or install them gdt enhancement major 1.11.0 packaging
#1334 can't test on buildslaves that we don't depend on pywin32 davidsarah defect major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1346 desert-island test can pass incorrectly because packages are installed davidsarah defect major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1403 "sudo python install" makes requires.txt unreadable except root socrates1024 defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1450 setuptools downloads and builds a correct version of a dependency in the install-to-egg step, but then adds a different version not satisfying the requirement to easy_install.pth somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1451 yet another failure of setuptools to set up a correct sys.path somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1464 stronger isolation between the Python libraries imported by build steps and those used by buildbot somebody defect major 1.11.0 dev-infrastructure
#1504 allow build ignoring system-installed packages somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1531 use ctypes.get_last_error instead of GetLastError to access Windows error code daira defect normal 1.11.0 code
#1582 zetuptoolz delenda est somebody defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1753 build can hang while trying to find dependencies defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#1896 setuptools will try to download and use release candidates of dependencies, not just releases daira defect major 1.11.0 packaging
#1949 CLI: -u does not work as an alias for --node-url Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-cli
#1973 wui: "since" and "announced" columns are confusing leif defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-web
#2001 build binary eggs for macosx-10.9-intel (mavericks) tilllt task normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2011 Make the PyPI distribution name consistent with the domain name and debian packages. warner defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2021 improvements to security/reliability of packaging that are possible without switching from zetuptoolz defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2028 Twisted endpoints introduce a dependency on pywin32 daira defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
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