


23:01 Ticket #38 (state machine diagrams, data flow diagrams) created by zooko
22:18 Ticket #37 (web ui does not display size of files in vdrive) reopened by zooko
Attempting to attach Faried's patch in order to test trac's …
20:21 Ticket #37 (web ui does not display size of files in vdrive) closed by faried
fixed: Fixed it for now. Tried to attach my patch, but got a perm denied …
19:04 Ticket #37 (web ui does not display size of files in vdrive) created by faried
The client web interface lists file types (name, type, id, etc), but …
17:05 Ticket #36 (FUSE integration) created by zooko
Make it so that you can ls directories, read and write files with FUSE.
14:18 TaggedHash edited by zooko
07:57 Ticket #20 (unit tests take too long) closed by warner
fixed: wow. the dapper buildslave, our slowest, was taking half an hour to …
07:56 Ticket #35 (build process puts wrong filenames in the .pyc files) created by warner
Something about the use of --prefix or --root in the build process …
07:09 Ticket #23 (Add make deb-etch) closed by warner
fixed: I just added a patch to create etch .debs . It's using the feisty …
06:10 Ticket #21 (edgy debian packages get version number from somewhere other than the ...) closed by warner
fixed: I just pushed a patch to create version strings by looking backwards …
05:55 Ticket #8 (bundle setuptools with package) closed by zooko
fixed: fixed. using ez_setup.py (hacked). Not bundling setuptools because …
05:54 Ticket #34 (disk space resource limits on storage servers) created by zooko
Currently if you run a storage server, then clients can ask you to …
05:46 Ticket #33 (add private storage) created by zooko
Add the option of storing a file without submitting its URI to the …
05:22 Ticket #32 (peer info in user interface) created by zooko
It would be cool if peer info such as IP address, how long I've been …


19:14 Ticket #31 (crash on cygwin: doWrite on a Port, failure during test_system) created by zooko
allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest?.test_upload_and_download will …
17:30 Ticket #1 (launch allmydata.org) closed by warner
fixed: We've launched. I moved the remaining low-priority items to #30
17:30 Ticket #30 (consider moving tahoe-lafs.org to use SSL/TLS) created by warner
Trac things still left to do: * fix python2.5-vs-2.4 API warning in …
00:13 Ticket #29 (web upload uses up lots of RAM) created by zooko
Uploading files through the 'webish' frontend (with the upload form) …


23:37 Ticket #28 (change trac 'component' names) created by warner
The 'code' component needs to be broken up into smaller pieces. Let's …
23:00 Ticket #27 (twistd doesn't daemonize on windows) created by zooko
On Windows, Twistd doesn't write pid file (as per …
22:52 WikiStart edited by zooko
22:47 WikiStart edited by zooko
provide hyperlinks to copied of introducer.furl and vdrive.furl (diff)
21:46 Ticket #26 (introducer doesn't seem to forget about old peers, or peers don't ...) created by warner
if you restart a node, the new instance retains the same TubID as the …
21:44 Ticket #25 (push to http://allmydata.org/source/tahoe/trunk repo as soon as new ...) created by zooko
Currently patches get propagated to …
20:08 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit: copy exact licence text from relnotes.txt (diff)
20:06 WikiStart edited by zooko
20:05 WikiStart edited by zooko
update target market and release date on front page (diff)
19:19 WikiStart edited by zooko
19:10 DownloadDebianPackages edited by zooko
19:08 DownloadDebianPackages created by zooko
create wiki page for downloading debian packages
07:00 Milestone 0.2.0 completed
05:16 WikiStart edited by zooko
tiny english edit (diff)
05:16 WikiStart edited by zooko
remove slightly bit-rotten and hopefully no longer necessary note … (diff)
05:13 WikiStart edited by zooko
re-arrange wiki front page and move debian apt-source into README (diff)
04:58 Ticket #24 (APT repository does not contain etch packages) created by arch_o_median
0 arc@axe /home/arc> sudo apt-get install allmydata-tahoe Reading …
04:52 Ticket #23 (Add make deb-etch) created by styopa
The following versions of debian are supported in the make file for …
02:54 Ticket #22 (can't use it behind firewalls -- 'local_ip' file handling is broken) created by warner
the node-setup code, left to its own devices, will determine a list of …
02:51 Ticket #6 (build dependencies that cross subproject boundaries? Or maybe its ...) closed by zooko
duplicate: merging with #10


22:47 Ticket #21 (edgy debian packages get version number from somewhere other than the ...) created by zooko
I suspect that they get it from DIST/debian/changelog.
17:45 WikiStart edited by warner
change figleaf coverage pointer: there is not yet a single URL that … (diff)
15:29 WikiStart edited by zooko
s/mesh/grid/ (diff)
05:31 WikiStart edited by secorp
02:55 Ticket #20 (unit tests take too long) created by zooko
The best way to fix this would be to optimize the code under test so …
02:36 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit anchor text (diff)
02:35 WikiStart edited by zooko
add link to Allmydata, Inc. blog (diff)
01:16 WikiStart edited by warner
minor typo (diff)


16:12 Ticket #19 (occasional exception from trac darcs plugin) created by zooko
Reported by John Colton: […]
15:05 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
15:05 WikiStart edited by zooko
05:30 WikiStart edited by zooko
EDIT (diff)
05:29 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
05:28 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
05:24 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
05:23 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
05:21 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
05:21 WikiStart edited by zooko
edits (diff)
05:02 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
04:47 WikiStart edited by zooko
format/edit (diff)
04:46 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
04:46 WikiStart edited by zooko
edits (diff)
04:45 WikiStart edited by zooko
remove the supporting libraries section on the grounds that it is in … (diff)


19:11 Ticket #18 (get trac to do syntax-coloring on python code in the source browser) created by warner
I'm sure there's a plugin somewhere for this..
19:10 Ticket #17 (upload needs to be tolerant of lost peers) created by warner
When we upload a file, we can tolerate not having enough peers (or …
19:06 Ticket #16 (move to Tahoe2 peer selection algorithm) created by zooko
Implement the TahoeTwo peer-selection algorithm for share upload. This …
16:46 WikiStart edited by zooko
new section: News and Status (diff)
16:43 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
16:42 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
16:39 WikiStart edited by zooko
add more links to docs (diff)
16:31 WikiStart edited by zooko
add introductory text in response to widespread incomprehension on IRC (diff)
00:47 WikiStart edited by zooko
edit (diff)
00:45 WikiStart edited by zooko
set expectations at the start (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.