Custom Query (55 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (51 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#1204 storage status page does not show nickname/id Brian Warner <warner@…> enhancement closed minor code-frontend-web
#1483 str(NoSuchChildError(nonascii)) raises an exception, causing the actual name to be lost in tracebacks davidsarah defect closed minor code
#1534 Some docs in mutable/ are slightly confusing. davidsarah defect closed minor code-mutable
#1557 apply coding tools to misc/ directories other than misc/build_helpers defect closed minor code
#1585 restructure the web UI's handling of static files davidsarah enhancement closed minor code-frontend-web
#1592 Patch to add a favicon to the web UI zooko enhancement closed minor code-frontend-web
#1682 various links in comments, docs, and tahoe.cfg should be https davidsarah defect closed minor code-frontend-web
#1705 classes in different modules shouldn't have the same name, it's confusing warner defect closed minor code
#1161 improve new-downloader logging defect closed normal code-network
#1467 nondeterministic test failure in allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem because the Welcome page says "Connected to helper: no" when the test expected "yes" warner defect closed normal code
#1580 A few tests fail on a fresh git working copy warner defect closed normal packaging
#1688 ftpd returns 0 for all timestamps davidsarah defect closed normal code-frontend
#1699 make '--rterrors' the default for 'python test' and 'python trial' davidsarah enhancement closed normal code
#1700 nondeterminstic failure of test_filesystem_with_cli_in_subprocess due to timeout somebody defect closed normal code
#1701 remove link to wiki:AdvancedInstall from quickstart.rst zooko enhancement closed normal documentation
#1702 quickstart.rst: recommend Python 2.7 zooko defect closed normal documentation
#1703 quickstart.rst: reflow to fill-column 77 and prepend utf-8 BOM zooko defect closed normal documentation
#1708 change capitalization of welcome page headings; add test for introducer welcome page davidsarah enhancement closed normal code-frontend-web
#1729 memory leak in allmydata.test.test_web Brian Warner <warner@…> defect closed normal code
#1739 servers-responding list is wrong warner defect closed normal code
#1743 outdated reference to in docs/frontends/FTP-and-SFTP.rst marlowe defect closed normal documentation
#1744 The documentation of the "slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev" method in requires clarification. davidsarah defect closed normal documentation
#1747 Add "openbsd5" to _platform_map davidsarah defect closed normal unknown
#1760 cloud backend: add design documentation marlowe task closed normal documentation
#1762 publish status says "Retrieve Results" zooko defect closed normal code-frontend-web
#1772 update docs to include MDMF zooko defect closed normal documentation
#1778 increase maximum mutable share size zooko defect closed normal code-storage
#1780 Makefile: add 'check-rst' target to check .rst files for errors david-sarah@… defect closed normal dev-infrastructure
#1788 bump foolscap requirement to >= 0.6.3 to support Twisted 11.1.0 davidsarah defect closed normal packaging
#380 webapi: remove 'mkdir-p' API since it logs pathnames warner defect closed major code-frontend-web
#1115 count-good-share-hosts is calculated incorrectly (post-repair says 10 hosts have good shares but there are only 4 hosts) davidsarah defect closed major code-frontend-web
#1297 sftp might hang or consume 100% CPU if the client tries to rekey zooko@… defect closed major code-frontend
#1398 make docs/performance.rst more precise and accurate warner defect closed major documentation
#1470 tahoe.cfg with UTF-8 BOM should be accepted davidsarah defect closed major code
#1555 add script to check for incorrect variable captures in loops somebody enhancement closed major code
#1574 PyCrypto 2.4 doesn't build with setuptools somebody defect closed major packaging
#1584 openbsd 5.0 running sickness defect closed major code
#1593 the drop-upload dircap should be in BASEDIR/private/ davidsarah defect closed major code
#1631 PyCrypto 2.0.1 does not appear to work with trunk somebody defect closed major packaging
#1648 assertion failure 'assert len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares' in mutable retrieve kevan defect closed major code-mutable
#1662 webapi.rst fails to document /file/ and /named/ handlers marlowe defect closed major documentation
#1681 avoid using win32eventreactor, or suppress spurious warning from it if necessary davidsarah defect closed major code
#1686 update copyright notices davidsarah defect closed major packaging
#1725 Tahoe reports catch-up incidents to a log gatherer with a Unicode filename, which results in them being dropped zooko defect closed major code-nodeadmin
#1776 release notes etc. for Tahoe-LAFS 1.9.2 warner defect closed major packaging
#1628 UCWE on deep check with recent version kevan defect closed critical code
#1636 Unhandled error in Deferred during retrieve warner defect closed critical code-network
#1669 ValueError (need more than 8 values to unpack) during mutable MDMF repair nobody defect closed critical code-mutable
#1676 ERROR: AssertionError(), apparently on mutable publish during check/repair (current git) killyourtv defect closed critical code-mutable
#1689 assertion failure zooko defect closed critical code-mutable
#1749 bug in mutable publish that could cause an IndexError when a writer is removed in Publish._connection_problem warner defect closed critical code-mutable

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#1740 new zope.interface deprecation warning about "implements()" davidsarah defect closed major code

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#1575 pycrypto-2.4 packaging problems somebody defect closed major packaging
#1655 Reproducible UncoordinatedWriteError on repair somebody defect closed critical code

Resolution: somebody else's problem (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#1635 'crypto for PB is not available' error from bin/tahoe on Fedora due to failure to find; goes away after 'make clean' and second build zooko defect closed major packaging
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