Custom Query (3714 matches)


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Results (2801 - 2900 of 3714)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#655 tahoewapi demo tree-view.html always recurses to ro_uri in children. new nejucomo defect major undecided
#656 tahoewapi: Verify against the CAJA verifier. new nejucomo task major undecided
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) new enhancement major undecided
#659 rusty dusty server fails on tests closed arch_o_median defect major eventually
#660 debian packages require python < 2.6, but should allow python 2.6 closed warner defect major 1.4.1
#661 Dynamic share migration to maintain file health closed enhancement major undecided
#662 add an option for "tahoe manifest" to not skip duplicates, or a --recursive option to "tahoe ls" new enhancement major undecided
#663 integrate a distributed revision control tool with Tahoe closed enhancement major 1.6.0
#664 Unable to start. closed somebody defect major undecided
#665 Accounting closed task major undecided
#666 Accounting: limit storage space used by different parties new davidsarah task major
#667 KeyError in mutable download closed defect major soon
#668 easy_install allmydata-tahoe is broken closed zooko defect major 1.8.2
#669 free the code! (tahoe-webdrive) closed secorp defect major soon (release n/a)
#670 large file download has bad alacrity closed defect major 1.4.1
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) new markberger defect major soon
#672 'DirectoryAsHTML' object has no attribute 'dirnode_children_error' closed francois defect major undecided
#673 drop package with 2004 ISA FIREWALL closed nobody defect major eventually
#674 controlled access to your WUI new nobody enhancement major soon
#678 converge same file, same K, different N new enhancement major undecided
#679 /storage emitting exception - lease reporting code assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#680 Fix for mutable files with FTP closed daira defect major 1.15.0
#681 make the error message more helpful in case of no 'tahoe' alias closed davidsarah defect major 1.6.1
#682 FTP frontend should support Unicode filenames encoded as UTF-8 assigned francois defect major soon
#683 handle arbitrary URIs in directories new defect major undecided
#684 let client specify the encryption key closed warner enhancement major eventually
#685 [needs test] Capability of interrupted downloads is logged in twistd.log new somebody defect major soon
#686 Search for lost share resulted in a directory popping up at unexpected place assigned daira defect major soon
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting new somebody defect major eventually
#688 FTP frontend doesn't work when behind NAT (debian) closed nobody defect major undecided
#690 raise size limit on furls closed warner defect major 1.5.0
#693 CLI stats on empty directory chokes reporting the size histogram closed nobody defect major 1.5.0
#694 remove hard limit on mutable file size closed kevan defect major undecided
#695 error message could be more helpful re: CLI rm confused by URL:DIR in at least two cases closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#696 zfec: faster initialization closed enhancement major undecided
#699 rebalance during repair or upload assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#700 have servers publish Bloom filter of which shares they have new enhancement major undecided
#704 utf-8 decoding fails when certain pyOpenSSL library is used closed bewst defect major undecided
#708 graceful handling of capabilities in a format from the future that you can't understand closed warner enhancement major 1.5.0
#709 hard to run against alternate dependencies, e.g. trunk version of Foolscap closed warner defect major 1.11.0
#710 exception from binascii.unhexlify when handling announcements on Python 2.4.1 closed somebody defect major undecided
#711 repair to different levels of N new enhancement major undecided
#712 tahoe cp copies a source directory's children rather than the directory itself closed warner defect major 1.10.1
#713 tahoe make-verify-cap new enhancement major undecided
#714 Not possible to renew leases from the WUI. closed warner defect major 1.5.0
#715 Missing options information closed davidsarah defect major 1.8β
#717 unnecessary rebuild of dependencies when tahoe-deps/ is present closed cgalvan defect major 1.11.0
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail new defect major soon
#720 Changing web server address breaks CLI new defect major undecided
#721 Mac client fails to build closed zooko defect major eventually
#722 don't give Helper access to plaintext hashes closed defect major 1.5.0
#723 helper: client should verify ciphertext hashes and UEB new daira defect major soon
#724 helper: client should check up on the helper's work new enhancement major undecided
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#729 Tahoe backup should WARN and go on when finding errors like: links to deleted files or access/read permission denied in local files/directories closed francois defect major 1.6.0
#731 what to do with filenames that are illegal on some systems new defect major eventually
#732 Not Enough Shares when repairing a file which has 7 shares on 2 servers closed zooko defect major 1.5.0
#733 allmydata.util.time_format.iso_utc_time_to_seconds() doesn't work in London if you ask it what the unix timestamp was in the 1970's closed somebody defect major 1.5.0
#734 Tahoe CLI with unicode patches applied fails when stdout is redirected closed francois defect major 1.7.0
#736 UnrecoverableFileError on directory which has 6 shares (3 needed) closed zooko defect major 1.5.0
#737 python2.5 test runs CPU to 100% on 32-bit single-core NetBSD "4" closed warner defect major 1.5.0
#739 To get tahoe 1.4.1 working on NetBSD, must use attached patch. closed somebody enhancement major 1.5.0
#741 tahoe create-alias corrupts the aliases file if it does not have a trailing newline closed davidsarah defect major 1.6.0
#742 "tahoe cp --help" doesn't explain tahoe cp clearly enough to a new user closed davidsarah defect major 1.6.0
#743 make fuse support writing closed enhancement major undecided
#745 Debian package: Missing dependency on Debian/etch closed warner defect major 1.5.0
#747 Files uploaded to FTP server never appear closed zooko defect major undecided
#748 Exception: <class 'allmydata.mutable.common.UncoordinatedWriteError'> when trying to create directory on testgrid closed nobody defect major 1.5.0
#749 Tahoe-LAFS fails unit tests when the "-OO" flag is passed to Python to optimize and strip docstrings closed somebody defect major 1.5.0
#750 deterministic IV for writecaps for dir entries closed enhancement major 1.5.0
#751 deterministic IV for writecaps for dir entries closed enhancement major 1.5.0
#752 speed up directories more new enhancement major undecided
#753 use longer storage index / cap for collision resistance new defect major undecided
#754 merge manually specified tub location with autodetected tub location closed chatcannon enhancement major 1.10.1
#756 if pywin32 has been manually installed, setuptools still doesn't detect it closed cgalvan defect major undecided
#757 there isn't a doc that says "which operations are efficient" closed nobody enhancement major undecided
#758 maximum recursion depth exceeded in Tahoe2PeerSelector closed defect major 1.5.0
#759 bundle newer pycryptopp into SUMO packages closed warner defect major 1.5.0
#760 the command to create a server is named "create-client" closed davidsarah defect major 1.6.0
#761 "tahoe cp $DIRCAP/$PATH $LOCAL" raises AttributeError closed warner defect major 1.6.0
#762 build of mac package fails due to pkgutil in zetuptoolz closed zooko defect major eventually
#763 build of mac package fails due to some mysterious reason (not pkgutil) closed zooko defect major eventually
#764 webapi/usage calls should be logged - standard reusable format (apache-style access.log) new enhancement major undecided
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#768 OpenBSD support in util/ closed somebody defect major 1.5.0
#770 webapi: listen on multiple interfaces/ports new enhancement major eventually
#771 tahoe ls doesn't work on files closed nobody defect major 1.6.0
#773 organize the documentation for installation on Windows closed task major 1.6.0
#775 no pycrypto + authorized_keys file should refuse to start with a clear error message about why closed defect major soon
#776 users are confused by "tahoe rm" closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#777 Facility to automatically renew leases of root caps new enhancement major soon
#780 Regularly snapshot dev infrastructure. closed nejucomo enhancement major undecided
#781 wanted: Windows Packaging Master closed somebody enhancement major eventually
#782 connection lost during "tahoe backup" new andrej defect major undecided
#783 does it sometimes use 750 MB closed terrell defect major undecided
#784 explain what the "Report an incident" button does new enhancement major undecided
#785 lenny (onwards) packages should depend on python-pysqlite2 not python-sqlite2 closed zooko defect major eventually
#786 TypeError when repairing an (unrecoverable?) directory closed francois defect major 1.6.0
#787 Refine use case documentation for non-technical audiences. new nejucomo enhancement major undecided
#790 thinks it is the previous version closed warner defect major 1.6.0
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