Custom Query (2576 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 2576)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2248 when create-client got UserWarning for service_identity missing daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2249 Installed distribution Twisted 12.2.0 [for example] conflicts with requirement twisted>=13.0 of nevow 0.11.1 warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2251 Database full or disk full error, stops backups daira defect normal undecided code-storage
#2255 Experiment with virtualenv based packaging in the petmail style. daira defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2256 iputil does not support FreeBSD 10 defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2260 Linux - Video how to - Create Directory daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2263 Issue starting/stopping tahoe on Windows with multi-users cyberaxe enhancement normal undecided code-nodeadmin
#2264 bitcoin as inter-node payment system daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2265 error: Installed distribution twisted 12.3.0 conflicts with requirement twisted> =13.0 on WIN8.1 (x64) daira defect normal undecided packaging
#2269 Unable to build Tahoe-LAFS v1.10.0 on FreeBSD 10 zooko defect normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2272 Make `python ./ trial` output friendlier if there has not been a build. enhancement normal 1.12.0 code
#2273 formatting error (extra whitespace) in usage string zooko defect normal undecided unknown
#2277 upgrade buildbot to 0.8.9 enhancement normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2278 make our custom BuildSteps be new-style task normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2279 attempt to restore, local file doesn't exist daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2280 recommend "tahoe backup"! zooko defect normal undecided unknown
#2281 remove trialcoverage (the bwverbose-coverage reporter plugin​) daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2282 remove the feature of auto-installing stdeb warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2283 replace _auto_deps with a pkg_resources API call GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal 1.13.0 packaging
#2284 make a mailing list for buildbot operators daira task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2286 the version of a library chosen for a setup requirement can conflict with a build requirement defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2287 Bad file descriptor error in buildslave daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2288 won't build on windows 7 daira defect normal undecided packaging
#2289 make tests with branch coverage easier to run daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2290 allmydata.test.test_util.FileUtil.test_disk_stats sometimes fails on Travis Brian Warner <warner@…> defect normal undecided code
#2291 what should the version requirement on nevow be? daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2292 No svg graphics in "about" page marlowe defect normal undecided documentation
#2293 I2P client endpoint parameter concatenator dawuud enhancement normal undecided code-network
#2295 why are covered lines changing from build to build? defect normal undecided code
#2296 tahoe with torsocks 2.0 leads to "[Errno 1] Operation not permitted" daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2299 WUI links to pages using configured port defect normal undecided code-frontend-web
#2303 Acquire and configure a dedicated OSX build slave. warner task normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2304 Create an OSX automated packaging test which exercises building, installing ``pkg`` file. defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2306 why does zetuptoolz build the same dependency more than once? defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2308 Retire or upgrade CentOS 5 buildslaves. defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2309 Managing volunteered builders is too time-intensive for Zooko to have continued responsibility defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2310 Refresh the "Supported" vs "All" distinction amongst builders. defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2313 why did test_filesystem take 494 seconds on the "sickness OpenBSD 5.0 x86 py2.7" builder? defect normal undecided code
#2316 Performance Optimization defect normal undecided unknown
#2317 'bin/pip install cryptography' in a virtualenv fails unless libssl-dev is installed defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2320 won't build on windows 7 defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2322 use 'cryptography' instead of 'pycryptopp' enhancement normal undecided code
#2328 consider adding "install the python-dev package" step to quickstart warner defect normal 1.10.2 documentation
#2330 the fact that Tahoe-LAFS depends on PyCrypto makes people think it might be insecure marlowe defect normal undecided documentation
#2337 deep-check --repair gives up on first error defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#2339 Enable specific ports for running tests daira defect normal undecided code-network
#2340 poor error reporting when "git describe" fails during update_version daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2341 incorrect S3 bucket permissions can lead to hard-to-diagnose failures defect normal undecided code-storage
#2344 Acquire and configure a dedicated Windows build slave. nejucomo task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2346 cloud backend uses lots of expensive LIST requests defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#2347 include git hash in the full version info warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2353 make sure all file objects get explicitly closed defect normal undecided code
#2355 on one occasion, travis-ci timed out because a pycryptopp compile took > 10 minutes defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2357 document in what ways Tahoe-LAFS builds are not currently verifiable daira task normal soon (release n/a) documentation
#2360 write and deploy a buildbot step that builds and tests the Mac OS X package task normal 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2361 write and deploy a buildbot step that builds and tests the Windows package daira task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2362 get buildmaster config synced up with the corresponding git repo warner defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2365 cloud backend: download from S4 hangs on a particular file defect normal undecided unknown
#2366 set up buildslave to find deprecation warnings task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2367 manhole should be either tested or removed daira defect normal 1.12.0 code
#2368 Do Apple's Time Machine and Tahoe-LAFS play nice together? BackingUpAreMyFriends defect normal undecided unknown
#2370 Only use helper for remote nodes defect normal undecided code-network
#2371 what download shall we take those days defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2374 make sure tahoe is compatible with the new twisted-15.0.0 task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2379 pyflakes not installed on "Kyle OpenBSD amd64" buildslave defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2380 build warnings due to bitrot in daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2382 hooks (external) enhancement normal undecided code-nodeadmin
#2384 anonymize Tub IDs when using Tahoe-LAFS with anonymity net like Tor or I2p warner defect normal 1.12.0 code-network
#2389 try switching from to daira enhancement normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2392 depend on `Twisted[windows]` (or something) to get pypiwin32 installed glyph defect normal undecided packaging
#2393 name OS-X .pkg after the tahoe version warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2394 ftp "ls" command is broken warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#2395 wont build on newer dev-python/pycrypto-2.6.1-r1 necrose99 defect normal undecided packaging
#2396 clean and memcheck-32 builders are failing warner defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2397 add design doc for Magic Folder local filesystem integration daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2398 test_ftp_auth_keyfile reported to fail on Windows daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#2399 cp -r tries to mkdir the directory more than once warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2405 rename drop-upload to Magic Folder daira task normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2408 move out of the scripts directory daira defect normal 1.12.0 code-frontend
#2412 Magic Folder: teach uploader to use an iterative deque processing algorithm defect normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2413 multiple email notifications for the same patch defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2414 tell ActiveState to fix their download links for ActivePerl to be https daira task normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2415 document dependency changes since 1.10.0 in NEWS.rst daira task normal 1.10.1 documentation
#2416 allow working with Twisted >= 13 on Windows if pywin32 is manually installed daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2420 Magic Folder: uploader must periodically scan for changes daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2423 User Quota daira enhancement normal undecided unknown
#2426 Magic Folder on Windows: admin privileges needed to run tests on Windows 7+ daira defect normal 1.12.0 unknown
#2427 Magic Folder on Linux: handle case when directory is removed from monitored directory dawuud defect normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2428 drop-upload: don't upload "hidden" files, or files under "hidden" directories daira defect normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2429 help to package Tahoe-LAFS v1.10.1 for Debian/Ubuntu vu3rdd defect normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2431 Magic Folder: implement "stability delay" daira enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2434 Magic Folder on Linux: test behaviour of inotify if a file is renamed while open daira task normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2435 Magic Folder on Windows: what is the default sharing mode of a file opened by _open/_wopen/fopen? daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2436 "tahoe --version" shouldn't show scary diagnostic warnings daira defect normal 1.10.2 packaging
#2437 conflict between git-annex initialization and `tahoe create-client` ? daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2438 implement OTF Magic Folder Objective 4 daira task normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2439 add windows dependencies to a sumo tarball (zip) warner defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2440 Magic Folder: garbage-collect old versions of files on seeing a newer version daira defect normal eventually code-frontend-magic-folder
#2441 Magic Folder: add configuration of the parent DMD daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
#2442 implement flat hierarchy file representation scheme for magicfolder daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-magic-folder
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