Custom Query (3714 matches)


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Results (3201 - 3300 of 3714)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#4067 Running the Tahoe CLI takes 400+ milliseconds just to start new defect normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4068 Reduce CPU-intensive operations in the event loop thread closed defect normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4069 benchmark output improvements new enhancement normal undecided
#4070 Fix type checking errors caused by new hypothesis closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4071 Python 3.12 support closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal undecided
#4072 Reduce CPU-intensive operations in the event loop thread, part 2 new enhancement normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4073 each share for a file can have its own write enabler secret, but the wire protocol does not support more than one new defect normal undecided
#4074 Remove usage of pkg_resources, as it is deprecated closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4075 Another pass of upgrading dependency versions and mypy improvements new enhancement normal undecided
#4076 prepare release new defect normal undecided
#4077 Many regexs in Tahoe tests are invalid new defect normal undecided
#4078 intermittant failures / race-condition on new defect normal undecided
#4079 Performance hit by a million cuts new defect normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4080 Increase chunk sizes to improve performance and parallelism new enhancement normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4081 Immutable encryption and decryption should happen in CPU thread pool new enhancement normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4082 Upgrade mypy and mypy-zope closed task normal undecided
#4083 Run blocking operations in a thread or thread pool, part 3 new defect normal undecided
#4084 Run log writing in a thread closed GitHub <noreply@…> enhancement normal Performance and Benchmarking
#4085 Dirty reactor tests new defect normal undecided
#4086 Release signatures (not available on PyPI any more) new task normal undecided
#4087 cbor2 encoding of >65KiB strings fails (on some systems) closed defect normal undecided
#4088 Disable C-based CBOR encoding closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4089 PyPy 7.3.15 and later break Twisted 23.10 and earlier new defect normal undecided
#4090 Get rid of unnecessary __future__ imports closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal undecided
#4091 fragile test closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4092 Remove unnecessary future imports closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal undecided
#4093 Remove (most of the) reliance on the future package closed GitHub <noreply@…> task normal undecided
#4094 Support the creation of a new directory capability with a pre-determined signature key closed cypher enhancement normal undecided
#4095 Move off Trac - Initiation new task normal undecided
#4096 perpare release new defect normal undecided
#4097 1.19.0 node connection issues. new defect normal undecided
#4098 CircleCI is Broken new task normal undecided
#4099 Move GBS documentation out of 'proposed' folder closed task normal HTTP Storage Protocol v2
#4100 Cryptography 43 breaks "directlyProvides" usage closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4101 Work with latest attrs closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#4103 2024-Getting Started guide assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4104 Meeting Notes Consolidation assigned blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4105 Make it possible to run a pure storage server (a node with no client) new enhancement normal undecided
#4106 UI/representation of errors (tracebacks) in the HTTP client new enhancement normal undecided
#4107 UI/representation of errors (tracebacks) in the CLI client new enhancement normal undecided
#4109 1079.09- Example using Magic Folder new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4110 "tahoe create-node --storage-dir" is incorrectly interpreted as a flag (not an option) new defect normal undecided
#4111 Fix sys.path in Sphinx new blasep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4112 Broken links new blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4113 Automate the NEW tutorial commands new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4114 CircleCI Windows builds have bitrotted closed hacklschorsch defect normal undecided
#4115 typechecks fail on master new defect normal undecided
#4116 merge of 1879 causes regression new blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#4117 Include tests for the Operator's Guide-Installation step assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4118 HOWTO Contributor/Developer guide assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4119 HOWTO work on related tickets new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4120 Create Sequence diagram for the step-by-step tutorials new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4121 HOWTO use the (new) ticketing system assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4122 HOWTO Contributor guide: add/change glossary entries new blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#4123 Tahoe-LAFS depends on removed `cgi` stdlib module new itamarst defect normal undecided
#4125 HOWTO daemonize tahoe new blaisep task normal User Documentation Goals
#4126 Tests time out on CircleCI, subsequent 'unclean reactor' errors assigned hacklschorsch defect normal undecided
#3 CHK-URIs: derive storage index from readkey to make the URI shorter closed warner enhancement minor 0.5.0
#5 verifierid as storage index: not the whole story closed defect minor
#6 build dependencies that cross subproject boundaries? Or maybe its that zfec doesn't clean away old stuff? closed zooko defect minor
#7 win32 Windows WinXP Vista buildslaves closed zandr task minor eventually
#8 bundle setuptools with package closed zooko defect minor
#10 clean up after yourself when told to "make clean" closed zooko defect minor 0.6.1
#11 I don't like pyopenssl closed zooko defect minor undecided
#12 need to automatically update the tarballs when the source is updated closed zooko task minor
#14 create nightly source tarballs closed somebody task minor
#15 consider using setuptools for tahoe closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.0
#18 get trac to do syntax-coloring on python code in the source browser closed warner enhancement minor
#21 edgy debian packages get version number from somewhere other than the One True Version Number closed somebody defect minor
#23 Add make deb-etch closed somebody enhancement minor
#24 APT repository does not contain etch packages closed warner defect minor 0.6.0
#25 push to repo as soon as new patches arrive closed zooko defect minor
#28 change trac 'component' names closed warner task minor
#31 crash on cygwin: doWrite on a Port, failure during test_system closed zooko defect minor
#32 peer info in user interface closed warner enhancement minor 1.1.0
#33 add private storage closed faried enhancement minor eventually
#39 log of recent uploads and downloads closed enhancement minor 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#40 patchbot to automatically accept patches by e-mail closed somebody enhancement minor undecided
#41 zfec tests leave lots of directories lying around in /tmp closed zooko defect minor
#42 make should complain about missing pyopenssl closed zooko defect minor 0.6.0
#43 on my cygwin install attempt after README guidelines the proposed "import zfec" test fails closed warner defect minor
#44 implement improved logging closed warner enhancement minor 1.3.0
#46 flawed closed arch_o_median defect minor
#49 UPnP new enhancement minor undecided
#51 ~/ not dereferenced to /home/${USER} in start --basedir=~blah/foo/splat closed somebody defect minor
#52 browser integration closed nobody enhancement minor 0.6.0
#55 https to tahoe node closed warner enhancement minor
#56 logging: lazy representation, interpolation, formatting, etc. closed warner enhancement minor undecided
#57 logging: compress/truncate/encode/decode/format for human readability and privacy new warner enhancement minor undecided
#58 logging: also available separately closed warner enhancement minor undecided
#61 log to a subdirectory, rather than the node's basedir closed warner enhancement minor
#64 implement plaintext/crypttext merkle trees closed warner enhancement minor 0.3.0
#65 errors during web download aren't reported, hangs instead closed somebody defect minor 0.5.0
#66 peers failure tolerance closed lvo task minor 0.7.0
#67 Where to specify lease time closed lvo enhancement minor 1.6.0
#69 replace TahoeIssues pages with new wikinames closed warner task minor
#70 idea: integrate captcha into some furls closed nobody enhancement minor undecided
#72 Automatic detection of configuration changes. new enhancement minor undecided
#73 web ui: link file into directory without uploading closed zooko enhancement minor 0.5.0
#74 Confusing UI Terminology: "Add Shared Directory" closed nejucomo defect minor eventually
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.