Custom Query (2551 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2551)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Keywords Milestone Owner Priority Reporter Status Summary Type
#2005 pyOpenSSL openitp-packaging eggs 1.10.1 daira normal daira closed 'from OpenSSL import crypto' gives undefined symbol: SSLv2_method defect
#2008 reviewed 1.10.1 warner normal markberger closed test_problem_layout_ticket_1128 in incorrectly sets up the test scenario defect
#2011 packaging pypi backward-compatibility 1.11.0 warner normal nejucomo closed Make the PyPI distribution name consistent with the domain name and debian packages. defect
#2013 docs accounting 1.10.1 daira normal nejucomo closed Crosslink accounting-overview.txt and ticket #666. defect
#2014 cloud-backend 1.10.1 markberger normal markberger closed Tests fail in current state of 1819-cloud-merge branch defect
#2017 iputil heisenbug openbsd test hang soon sickness normal zooko closed non-deterministic test hang on OpenBSD defect
#2021 setuptools packaging 1.11.0 normal daira closed improvements to security/reliability of packaging that are possible without switching from zetuptoolz defect
#2022 review-needed 1.10.1 markberger normal markberger closed Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore enhancement
#2023 regression portability iputil blocks-release 1.10.1 daira normal zooko closed regression coincident with iputil fixes, on FreeBSD and Slackware defect
#2027 usability error cli tahoe-cp review-needed 1.10.1 normal markberger closed Inconsistent 'tahoe cp' behavior defect
#2028 pywin32 windows twisted usability regression review-needed openitp-packaging setuptools 1.11.0 daira normal daira closed Twisted endpoints introduce a dependency on pywin32 defect
#2029 1.10.1 normal markberger closed 'tahoe cp' gives a bad error message when no file name is specified. enhancement
#2033 packaging pypi evangelism undecided daira normal nejucomo closed Investigate drop-off of PyPI downloads according to task
#2034 mutable publish review-needed 1.10.1 warner normal markberger closed Update for mutable files is sensitive to the number of servers defect
#2039 undecided normal markberger closed Add a last modified timestamp to mutable files enhancement
#2042 backward-compatibility docs leasedb blocks-cloud-merge 1.14.0 daira normal daira closed add doc about incompatible changes due to leasedb defect
#2043 tahoe-check error undecided daira normal srl closed patience before reporting not enough shares? enhancement
#2048 test performance 1.10.1 daira normal daira closed allmydata.test.test_cli.Cp.test_copy_using_filecap is really slow due to a test bug defect
#2051 packaging dev-infrastructure buildbot review-needed undecided daira normal nejucomo closed Publish the buildbot configuration in a public repository & define where to track its issues defect
#2052 dev-infrastructure buildbot soon (release n/a) daira normal nejucomo closed Automate testing of merge requests to streamline review. defect
#2058 soon (release n/a) warner normal zooko closed trac sqlite db accesses taking a long time defect
#2059 preservation servers-of-happiness undecided normal markberger closed Increase file reliability against group failure enhancement
#2063 install fedora linux packaging setuptools undecided sel normal sel closed users expect 'python install' to install dependencies defect
#2064 undecided marlowe normal sel closed The build instructions do not specify the list of dependencies defect
#2065 Python3 Support Python 3 normal zooko closed port to Python 3 enhancement
#2066 setuptools usability error nevow 1.11.0 normal daira closed performs work without a command being specified defect
#2067 packaging license easy 1.10.1 daira normal daira closed licensing info is duplicated between README.txt and docs/about.rst file defect
#2068 s3-backend ec2 dns error txaws reliability 1.15.0 daira normal daira closed cloud.s3 backend: investigate DNS failures; possibly fall back to bucket-in-path for retries if bucket-in-host fails defect
#2069 setuptools linux undecided normal zooko closed binary eggs for linux don't work on Debian 7 defect
#2071 deprecationwarning 1.11.0 normal daira closed DeprecationWarning: Passing non-bytes header values is deprecated since Twisted 12.3. Pass only bytes instead. defect
#2072 security travis github soon (release n/a) warner normal daira closed enable Travis-CI for the main Tahoe-LAFS repo defect
#2074 travis build status website undecided normal daira closed add Travis build status images to home page defect
#2075 packaging eggs win32 win64 soon (release n/a) normal daira closed consider deleting unsupported Python 2.6 eggs for Windows defect
#2076 packaging license soon (release n/a) normal daira closed is not properly open-sourced and version-controlled defect
#2077 pip packaging setuptools 1.11.0 normal daira closed pip packaging plan defect
#2078 packaging git darcs soon (release n/a) normal daira closed 1.9.2 release didn't have a git branch defect
#2083 cleanup blocks-cloud-merge soon (release n/a) daira normal markberger closed Move 1819-cloud-merge-opensource branch from LeastAuthority/tahoe-lafs to tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs task
#2086 twine pypi packaging security release 1.10.1 warner normal dstufft closed Use Twine to Upload Packages to PyPI defect
#2087 easy usability new-user 1.10.1 marlowe normal ya closed clarify the literal command-lines in quickstart.rst defect
#2089 error usability new-user undecided daira normal jbark55 closed error due to lack of a node directory / node.url is poorly reported defect
#2091 performance test-needed undecided normal zooko closed make automated test of the --profile feature defect
#2094 pycrypto-lib libgmp rsa security sftp packaging eggs packaging undecided normal daira closed rebuild (if necessary) PyCrypto eggs to use libgmp >= 5, to mitigate RSA timing attack defect
#2098 packaging pyutil zbase32 review undecided zooko normal daira closed remove dependency on zbase32 and pyutil defect
#2099 soon (release n/a) normal zooko closed bring back tahoebot enhancement
#2102 docs soon (release n/a) ambimorph normal zooko closed generate docs with sphinx enhancement
#2103 buildbot coverage undecided daira normal nejucomo closed Ensure buildbot configuration automates coverage analysis with publicly linkable reports. defect
#2104 pip install packaging undecided normal nejucomo closed pip install . confused by _trial_temp defect
#2105 check verify repair servers-of-happiness blocks-release test-needed 1.10.1 daira normal daira closed fix the definition of needs-rebalancing defect
#2106 1.10.1 normal sickness closed RAIC behaviour different from RAID behaviour defect
#2121 mac osx test openitp-packaging 1.10.1 daira normal markberger closed test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem fails on OSX 10.9 defect
#2122 jquery d3 security 1.10.1 normal ChosenOne closed Update jQuery to address CVE-2011-4969 defect
#2128 review-needed usability config 1.10.1 daira normal amiller closed comments in tahoe.cfg cause introducers to appear down defect
#2129 trial packaging test setuptools 1.12.0 amiller normal amiller closed "bin/tahoe debug trial" runs installed code somewhere other than modified source files in src/ defect
#2130 transparency checker soon normal zooko closed show all information about servers and shares in checker results enhancement
#2132 design-review-needed usability test-needed undecided daira normal amiller closed Backup symlinks enhancement
#2133 json welcome webapi docs eventually normal joepie91 closed no JSON output for node status (GET /?t=json) defect
#2137 backward-compatibility docs tahoe-ls 1.11.0 Daira Hopwood <daira@…> normal daira closed -u for -node-url= clashes with -u for --uri in tahoe ls defect
#2139 usability undecided normal zooko closed move setup work to "before the fork" in the cli enhancement
#2149 usability error cli 1.14.0 daira normal zooko closed "tahoe start" emits an error message when tahoe is already running enhancement
#2151 cloud-backend s3 glacier LeastAuthority undecided normal daira closed consider changes needed to allow use of Amazon Glacier enhancement
#2153 website trac regression soon (release n/a) zooko normal daira closed The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. Run "trac-admin /home/trac/projects/pycryptopp upgrade" defect
#2165 cleanup security timing 1.10.1 daira normal zooko closed use bigger random one-time keys, rename to "timing_safe_compare" enhancement
#2183 trac logging soon (release n/a) normal daira closed trac.log is 1.5 GB task
#2197 cloud-backend s3 devpay cleanup blocks-cloud-deployment 1.14.0 daira normal daira closed cloud backend: strip DevPay support from S3 code task
#2204 renew leases leasedb blocks-cloud-merge undecided exarkun normal CyberAxe closed cloud branch: defect
#2207 trac spam bayes captcha undecided normal nejucomo closed Change Bayes trigger behavior from rejecting a post to requiring a CAPTCHA defect
#2209 packaging pip web 1.10.1 daira normal nejucomo closed Missing `allmydata/web/static/img` subdirectory when installed from `pip`. defect
#2210 pip install undecided dstufft normal daira closed 'sudo pip install .' fails if tests have been run defect
#2211 cloud-backend test azure blocks-raic eventually normal daira closed cloud backend: broken test of MS Azure container defect
#2212 git-annex undecided joeyh normal joeyh closed tahoe renew enhancement
#2216 setuptools error build undecided daira normal aredridel closed can't find module 'core.utils.dist' when installing defect
#2217 setuptools distribute build cffi cryptography undecided daira normal aredridel closed SandboxViolation: mkdir('/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/__pycache__', 511) {} defect
#2218 windows magic-folder usability 1.12.0 meejah normal daira closed Magic Folder on Windows: node can't be killed with Ctrl-C defect
#2219 windows unicode blocks-magic-folder-merge test-needed undecided daira normal daira closed Magic Folder on Windows: test with non-ASCII local directory names defect
#2220 drop-upload windows test otf-magic-folder-objective2 1.12.0 daira normal daira closed drop-upload on Windows: multiple change events should be collapsed together defect
#2229 docs webapi key-value-store performance undecided marlowe normal zooko closed document "LAFS as a key-value store" enhancement
#2231 trac undecided normal daira closed when multiple commits are pushed, only the last one can trigger a trac auto-commit message defect
#2232 usability docs basedir easy undecided daira normal aredridel closed Inconsistent specification for node-dir defect
#2233 cli regression usability docs help reviewed 1.10.1 warner normal daira closed CLI: 'tahoe $SUBCOMMAND --help' no longer shows "global" options defect
#2235 tahoe-cp error windows win32 review-needed 1.10.1 normal CyberAxe closed Error from 'tahoe cp' on Windows, due to a long path (IOError: Errno2 - no such file or dir.) defect
#2242 setuptools pkg_resources coverage 1.10.1 daira normal zooko closed exception from parsing requirements defect
#2246 twisted undecided daira normal CyberAxe closed Twisted in quickstart/running defect
#2247 windows pywin32 docs quickstart openitp-packaging 1.11.0 daira normal CyberAxe closed document pywin32 dependency defect
#2248 windows-related pyOpenSSL Twisted-14 undecided daira normal jgillisp closed when create-client got UserWarning for service_identity missing defect
#2249 mac osx debian windows packaging twisted nevow 1.10.1 warner normal nihraguk closed Installed distribution Twisted 12.2.0 [for example] conflicts with requirement twisted>=13.0 of nevow 0.11.1 defect
#2251 database full space logging undecided daira normal CyberAxe closed Database full or disk full error, stops backups defect
#2255 virtualenv pip setuptools install build packaging 1.11.0 daira normal nejucomo closed Experiment with virtualenv based packaging in the petmail style. defect
#2256 freebsd iputil 1.10.1 normal RedEmerald closed iputil does not support FreeBSD 10 defect
#2260 video, how to, Ubuntu, Linux, Create a Directory undecided daira normal CyberAxe closed Linux - Video how to - Create Directory defect
#2263 basedir furl windows multi-users undecided cyberaxe normal CyberAxe closed Issue starting/stopping tahoe on Windows with multi-users enhancement
#2264 undecided daira normal MinistryOfDataLove closed bitcoin as inter-node payment system defect
#2265 windows packaging twisted nevow undecided daira normal Chrisi closed error: Installed distribution twisted 12.3.0 conflicts with requirement twisted> =13.0 on WIN8.1 (x64) defect
#2269 freebsd jail build soon (release n/a) zooko normal manas closed Unable to build Tahoe-LAFS v1.10.0 on FreeBSD 10 defect
#2272 test build easy 1.12.0 normal nejucomo closed Make `python ./ trial` output friendlier if there has not been a build. enhancement
#2273 undecided zooko normal zooko closed formatting error (extra whitespace) in usage string defect
#2277 buildbot soon (release n/a) normal zooko closed upgrade buildbot to 0.8.9 enhancement
#2278 buildbot undecided normal zooko closed make our custom BuildSteps be new-style task
#2279 undecided daira normal jgillisp closed attempt to restore, local file doesn't exist defect
#2280 review-needed undecided zooko normal zooko closed recommend "tahoe backup"! defect
#2281 twisted trial coverage cleanup reviewed 1.10.1 daira normal daira closed remove trialcoverage (the bwverbose-coverage reporter plugin​) defect
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