Custom Query (92 matches)


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Status: assigned (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information davidsarah enhancement normal 1.9.2
#2047 refactor *Source classes in to have a basename() method rather than passing around (name, source) pairs daira defect normal 1.10.0
#2243 TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' while opening backupdb daira defect normal 1.10.0
#2331 don't display capabilities without user explicitly asking for it daira defect normal 1.10.0
#2338 tahoe backup exits nonzero if there are any symlinks daira defect normal 1.10.0
#114 command-line: multiple files at once zooko enhancement minor 0.7.0

Status: closed (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2980 --eliot-destination reservation of "\" for escape is incompatible with typical Windows usage GitHub <noreply@…> defect supercritical 1.12.1 fixed
#401 command-line: tahoe ls's way of saying "No such file or directory" leaves something to be desired davidsarah defect major 1.0.0 fixed
#576 ./bin/tahoe run appears broken. defect major 1.2.0 duplicate
#601 add 'tahoe sync' command, for bidirectional synchronization enhancement major 1.2.0 was already fixed
#602 error message could be more detailed: "client node probably not started" defect major 1.2.0 duplicate
#618 tahoe backup crash during second run defect major 1.3.0 invalid
#848 "tahoe backup": --prefix argument enhancement major 1.5.0 duplicate
#1030 CLI interface to download a subtree as an archive defect major 1.6.1 duplicate
#1493 using another directory than ~/.tahoe generates error nobody defect major 1.8.2 invalid
#2950 Tahoe backup crashes while collecting file list defect major unknown fixed
#3921 exit when stdin closed enhancement major n/a fixed
#1401 allow environment variables to specify some options (e.g. node-directory) nobody enhancement normal 1.8.2 wontfix
#1558 don't use hotshot as profiler for 'tahoe start --profile' defect normal 1.9.0a2 fixed
#1806 automatically url-decode capabilities in cli enhancement normal 1.9.0 duplicate
#1827 remove the 'tahoe rm' command now that 'tahoe unlink' has been the primary documented command for a few major releases GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal 1.9.2 fixed
#1853 "tahoe cp" breaks when files have a : char in their names zooko defect normal 1.9.2 fixed
#2089 error due to lack of a node directory / node.url is poorly reported daira defect normal 1.10.0 duplicate
#2139 move setup work to "before the fork" in the cli enhancement normal 1.10.0 was already fixed
#2212 tahoe renew joeyh enhancement normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2232 Inconsistent specification for node-dir daira defect normal 1.10.0 invalid
#2337 deep-check --repair gives up on first error defect normal 1.10.0 duplicate
#2533 magic-folder CLI parsing error daira defect normal 1.10.1 fixed
#2926 `tahoe status` unhandled KeyError: 'progress' GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal fixed
#2976 Subcommands listed in `tahoe --help` are not grouped by function GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal 1.12.1 fixed
#3273 Deprecate "tahoe start" in favor of "tahoe run" exarkun task normal n/a fixed
#3654 allmydata.test.cli.test_invite.Invite.test_invite_success is broken on Python 3.6 GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal n/a fixed
#459 wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to undo nevow's exception rendering? enhancement minor 1.1.0 duplicate
#986 'tahoe run' and 'tahoe start' should be one command enhancement minor 1.6.0 wontfix
#1070 UploadUnhappinessError reported with a backtrace defect minor 1.6.1 duplicate
#1358 tahoe cp --help gives incorrect placement of [options] defect minor 1.8.2 duplicate
#1380 tahoe backup doesn't cope with symlinks nobody defect minor 1.8.2 duplicate

Status: new (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#597 add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb enhancement major 1.2.0
#632 "tahoe backup --prefix": override pathname root for snapshots enhancement major 1.3.0
#640 Cli fs operations refactoring enhancement major 1.3.0
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes) enhancement major 1.3.0
#713 tahoe make-verify-cap enhancement major 1.4.1
#720 Changing web server address breaks CLI defect major 1.4.1
#840 Allow all CLI commands to take arguments from stdin or a file, to avoid caps being visible to other local users enhancement major 1.5.0
#845 "tahoe backup" and HFS+ OS-level immutable directories: copying Time Machine backups enhancement major 1.5.0
#910 "tahoe mkdir" doesn't accept $CAP/path arguments? defect major 1.5.0
#944 "tahoe mv" doesn't accept just a path as the second argument? defect major 1.6.0
#1102 "tahoe ls $DIRCAP:" gives an unhelpful error message defect major 1.7.0
#1103 "tahoe cp -r" gives unhelpful error message when you append a ':" to the dircap as arg defect major 1.7.0
#1193 adding support for http byte range in http_common.do_http guyzmo enhancement major 1.8β
#1299 make 'tahoe debug dump-cap' print attenuated versions of the cap, and give it a better command name defect major 1.8.1
#1331 --verify option for `tahoe backup` nobody defect major 1.7.1
#1373 'tahoe cp' should not make links to existing immutable files when the encoding parameters have changed defect major 1.8.2
#1422 https node.url is not verified by httplib nobody defect major 1.8.2
#1511 confusing error message from 'tahoe backup' when source directory doesn't exist defect major 1.9.0a1
#641 tahoe backup should be able to backup symlinks defect normal 1.3.0
#1597 make 'tahoe cp' support the same '--exclude' options as 'tahoe backup' enhancement normal 1.9.0
#1723 tahoe backup --help (for example) implies that you have to use aliases zancas defect normal 1.9.1
#1763 NoServersError raised to user defect normal 1.9.1
#1766 add --range option to "tahoe get" enhancement normal 1.9.1
#1856 add a command-line command for "generate an incident report" enhancement normal 1.9.2
#1872 provide interface to purge user data davidsarah enhancement normal 1.9.2
#1878 tahoe cp -r: add tests for copying cyclic directories defect normal 1.9.2
#1894 add --interactive and --no-clobber options to 'tahoe cp' defect normal 1.9.2
#1900 a cli method of seeing the connected servers/clients enhancement normal 1.9.2
#1952 rename "tahoe backup" to "tahoe snapshot" enhancement normal 1.9.2
#2096 tahoe backup says "WARNING: cannot backup special file" when a file has been moved while it is running defect normal 1.10.0
#2100 passphrase-encrypt the aliases file daira enhancement normal 1.10.0
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError defect normal 1.10.0
#2205 "--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases CyberAxe defect normal 1.10.0
#2244 Would like to have tahoe backup --include daira enhancement normal 1.10.0
#2274 possible error with cp and spaces in directory names daira defect normal 1.10.0
#2276 restore from root folder fails on Archive subfolder defect normal 1.10.0
#2324 copy of introducer furl, aliases to new computer, error with alias but not alias's value jgillisp defect normal 1.10.0
#2332 ls -l doesn't show size of mutable files when listing directories defect normal 1.10.0
#2404 optionally backup to mutable files/directories enhancement normal 1.10.0
#2547 it is too confusing that --basedir works for some commands and not others defect normal 1.10.1
#2767 Allow N, K, and H to be specified per command. dawuud enhancement normal unknown
#2791 Tahoe CLI / SSL certificate defect normal 1.11.0
#2823 "tahoe cp FILE ALIAS:" does unnecessary directory reads defect normal 1.11.0
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib task normal 1.11.0
#2917 `tahoe backup` could easily report size information about the backup performed enhancement normal 1.12.1
#2918 `tahoe backup` crashes when an upload operation fails defect normal 1.12.1
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` enhancement normal 1.12.1
#2947 "tahoe ls" returns incorrect data. defect normal 1.12.1
#3817 formatting issue with commands defect normal 1.15.1
#3977 Check certificates for validity enhancement normal n/a
#858 extra deep-check stats: unhealthiness of each file enhancement minor 1.5.0
#916 "tahoe cp": audit use of "mutable" flag defect minor 1.5.0
#1101 some CLI commands accept "--verbose", other don't defect minor 1.7.0
#1533 CLI: the message displayed when already exists refers to --pidfile and --logfile parameters not supported by 'tahoe' defect minor 1.9.0a1

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1310 separate "gateway state directory" from "client state directory" warner defect major 1.8.1
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