Custom Query (104 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 104)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#1654 integrity failure in mutable retrieve (SDMF+MDMF) in 1.9.0 closed defect supercritical 1.9.1 code-mutable
#187 security flaw: directory server can escalate read access into write access closed defect critical 0.7.0 unknown
#769 have buildslaves automatically build debian packages of foolscap, zfec, pycryptopp, pyutil, argparse, zbase32 closed defect critical eventually packaging
#919 hitting the "create directory" button in the WUI gives an error closed defect critical 1.6.0 code-frontend-web
#1038 new SFTP implementation unicode issues with OpenSSH sftp client closed defect critical 1.7.0 code-frontend
#1669 ValueError (need more than 8 values to unpack) during mutable MDMF repair closed defect critical 1.9.2 code-mutable
#27 twistd doesn't daemonize on windows closed defect major eventually code-nodeadmin
#148 README failure (confusion) closed defect major 0.6.1 documentation
#178 cygwin buildslave is screwed up ? closed defect major 0.6.1 unknown
#208 unit test failure on cygwin closed defect major 0.7.0 unknown
#290 pycryptopp appears to have problems with amd64 linux systems (or gcc 4.1.3). closed defect major eventually unknown
#335 OSError when trying to access http://localhost:8123/provisioning/ closed defect major 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final) unknown
#361 make nickname more prominent on wui closed defect major 1.1.0 unknown
#522 mac buildslave produces builds lacking pycrypto closed defect major eventually packaging
#534 CLI (e.g. tahoe cp) does not correctly handle or display Unicode file/directory names, either in arguments or the local filesystem closed defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend-cli
#572 deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0 closed defect major undecided unknown
#638 Patch to build with Ubuntu interpid. closed enhancement major undecided unknown
#673 drop package with 2004 ISA FIREWALL closed defect major eventually unknown
#674 controlled access to your WUI new enhancement major soon code-frontend-web
#688 FTP frontend doesn't work when behind NAT (debian) closed defect major undecided unknown
#693 CLI stats on empty directory chokes reporting the size histogram closed defect major 1.5.0 code-frontend-cli
#748 Exception: <class 'allmydata.mutable.common.UncoordinatedWriteError'> when trying to create directory on testgrid closed defect major 1.5.0 code-mutable
#757 there isn't a doc that says "which operations are efficient" closed enhancement major undecided documentation
#771 tahoe ls doesn't work on files closed defect major 1.6.0 code-frontend-cli
#857 Make operation-handle-querying use only a little memory new defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#862 Could a gatewayless architecture improve performance or avoid some webapi security issues? closed enhancement major undecided unknown
#869 Allow Tahoe filesystem to be run over a different key-value-store / DHT implementation new enhancement major undecided code-network
#874 Repairer raises MustForceRepairError in cases where it shouldn't closed defect major 1.6.0 code-mutable
#882 Tahoe URIs and gateway URLs are too long and ugly new defect major code-encoding
#887 twisted.web logs the uri on some exceptional conditions, leading to a privacy leak in logfiles closed defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#898 add support for NixOS to iputil closed defect major 1.10.1 code-network
#912 Build In Fault-Monitoring and Reporting new enhancement major undecided code-nodeadmin
#913 Support running a storage node per drive easily new enhancement major undecided code-nodeadmin
#914 tahoe backup gives a fatal BackupProcessingError if it sees a file, but the file is deleted before tahoe backs it up new defect major soon code-frontend-cli
#934 Update NEWS for tickets fixed in 1.6.0 closed defect major undecided unknown
#946 upload should succeed as soon as the servers-of-happiness criterion is met new enhancement major undecided code-encoding
#959 tahoe-lafs objects new enhancement major unknown
#985 tahoe start --help should mention that --basedir defaults to $HOME/.tahoe closed defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend-cli
#990 Web gateway should avoid caching plaintext of downloads closed defect major 1.8.0 code-frontend
#995 It's way too easy to give away write directory caps new defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#997 The webapi/WUI should have https enabled by default new defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#1004 how to fix 'multiple versions are recoverable'? new defect major soon code-mutable
#1043 Add configuration option use_space closed enhancement major undecided code-storage
#1046 add note to performance.txt about expected memory usage new enhancement major soon documentation
#1047 Upload failures should report useful HTTP status lines new enhancement major undecided code-frontend-web
#1110 pipeline download blocks for better performance new enhancement major soon code-network
#1138 Timeout of Servermap Update new defect major soon code-network
#1142 Unlikely XSS Potential in File Names in WUI new defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#1144 Loopy/Uninhibited/Overlarge Filename Makes Web Server Crump new defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#1196 clean up and optimize spans closed enhancement major eventually unknown
#1200 package up Brian's New Visualization of immutable download closed enhancement major 1.9.0 unknown
#1243 provide binary .egg's of Twisted for all supported platforms and versions of Python closed defect major soon (release n/a) unknown
#1244 make sure we have binaries of zfec for all supported platforms and versions of Python new defect major undecided packaging
#1263 New binary pycrypto-2.3 egg for netbsd-5.0.2-i386 closed defect major 1.8.1 unknown
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1312 tiddly_on_tahoe says "saving please wait...done" *after* it is finished saving new defect major undecided unknown
#1313 tiddly_on_tahoe shouldn't offer the option to save changes when you are viewing read-only closed defect major undecided unknown
#1314 tiddly_on_tahoe should "offer a read-only cap to the user" closed defect major undecided unknown
#1315 tiddly_on_tahoe put back saveBackup functionality new defect major undecided unknown
#1316 tiddly_on_tahoe caching issue -- must hit reload to see new contents new defect major undecided unknown
#1317 button to create a new tiddly_on_tahoe instance new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1318 tiddly_on_tahoe wrong error message when server is unreachable new defect major undecided unknown
#1321 tiddly_on_tahoe writes itself more times than necessary? new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1322 tiddly_on_tahoe Workaround for Bug in 2.5.3 closed defect major unknown
#1323 tiddly_on_tahoe header should link to immutable as well as to read-only links new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1324 tiddly_on_tahoe Make the default tiddlywiki indicate capability being used to access it. new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1325 make `tahoe backup` keep more filesystem metadata new enhancement major undecided unknown
#1327 tiddly_on_tahoe Tahoe patches change tiddlywiki behavior in unexpected way new defect major undecided unknown
#1331 --verify option for `tahoe backup` new defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#1368 make the added convergence secret be a per-file configuration new defect major undecided code-frontend
#1374 "walk through" or guide for people who want to read some code new enhancement major undecided documentation
#1422 https node.url is not verified by httplib new defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#1476 unit tests running out of memory on FranXois lenny-armv5tel buildbot or on a 613 MiB EC2 closed defect major undecided unknown
#1493 using another directory than ~/.tahoe generates error closed defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#1503 fix check_memory bitrot closed defect major 1.9.0 unknown
#1520 Assertions in storage/ provide assurance that the struct library performs correct size transforms closed defect major 1.9.0 code-storage
#1577 fix attachment-upload in trac/nginx/uwsgi closed defect major undecided unknown
#1640 the mutable publisher should try harder to place all shares new defect major soon code-peerselection
#1652 pyfilesystem tahoe-lafs mounted with fuse does not handles fs.errors.StorageSpaceError new defect major undecided code-frontend
#1664 webapi fails to handle all TCP disconnects: "Request.finish called on a request after its connection was lost; use Request.notifyFinish to keep track of this." new defect major soon code-frontend-web
#805 "python test" complains that "test_suite must be a list", or build/install fails with "ImportError: No module named core.utils.dist" closed defect normal undecided unknown
#1194 Garbage Collector need to remove subdirs of storage/shares when deleting shares new defect normal eventually code-storage
#1203 /storage is insufficiently verbose when no crawl running new defect normal eventually code-frontend-web
#1401 allow environment variables to specify some options (e.g. node-directory) closed enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1657 Sneakernet grid scenario new enhancement normal undecided code-network
#1667 Another nondeterministic failure in allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_mutable closed defect normal undecided code-mutable
#1942 replace google chart in wui with d3.js: it leaks information closed task normal eventually code-frontend-web
#2345 Increase Public Awareness of Tahoe-LAFS new task normal soon documentation
#52 browser integration closed enhancement minor 0.6.0 code-frontend-web
#70 idea: integrate captcha into some furls closed enhancement minor undecided code
#86 add a check block to the front of the plaintext, to verify the correct key closed enhancement minor eventually code-encoding
#139 automate satisfaction of zope.interface dependency closed enhancement minor 0.6.0 packaging
#154 usage string program name != executable name? closed defect minor 0.6.1 code-frontend
#419 pycryptopp uses up too much RAM closed defect minor undecided code-encoding
#707 use local storage server as encrypted cache new enhancement minor undecided code-encoding
#788 make build quieter by default closed defect minor undecided packaging
#970 webapi PUT via multiple nodes can cause directory corruption but does not report UncoordinatedWriteError new defect minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1032 Display active HTTP upload operations on the status page new enhancement minor eventually code-frontend-web
#1039 Keys with passphrases for SFTP new defect minor undecided code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1089 SFTP and FTP: support for non-UTF-8 charsets (error message "Path could not be decoded as UTF-8") closed defect minor eventually code-frontend
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