Custom Query (2576 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 2576)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1771 bump Twisted requirement to >= 11.0 to avoid twisted#411 and twisted#4395 warner defect normal 1.10.0 packaging
#1772 update docs to include MDMF zooko defect normal 1.9.2 documentation
#1773 check/test/update claim about compatibility with old clients and servers in relnotes.txt warner defect normal 1.10.0 documentation
#1775 u"py3 not supported" idiom will break in Python 3.3 davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code
#1777 cleanups to backupdb tests warner enhancement normal 1.10.0 code-frontend
#1778 increase maximum mutable share size zooko defect normal 1.9.2 code-storage
#1780 Makefile: add 'check-rst' target to check .rst files for errors david-sarah@… defect normal 1.9.2 dev-infrastructure
#1783 tahoe cp --verbose progress messages show double the actual number of files davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-cli
#1784 add happiness count to check and repair reports zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1785 type error in ServerMap.copy? warner defect normal 1.10.0 code-mutable
#1786 cloud backend: limit memory usage davidsarah defect normal undecided code-storage
#1787 cloud-backend: allocation checks in test_storage daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1788 bump foolscap requirement to >= 0.6.3 to support Twisted 11.1.0 davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2 packaging
#1789 update performance.rst to describe MDMF performance marlowe defect normal soon documentation
#1790 S3 backend: NotImplementedErrors in logs for lease methods defect normal soon code-storage
#1792 make Tahoe-LAFS work under PyPy defect normal eventually packaging
#1800 storage indices are sometimes logged as binary warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-mutable
#1805 tahoe cp verbose counts from 0 to n-1 of n defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-cli
#1806 automatically url-decode capabilities in cli enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1808 error message gets downloaded instead of rendered by Konqueror zooko defect normal soon code-frontend-web
#1810 decide on, document, and automate a flow for reviewing, testing, and merging pull requests task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1817 test_storage crawler tests can wedge the test machine for certain bugs in code-under-test davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1 code
#1818 leasedb: track leases in a sqlite database, not inside shares warner task normal 1.14.0 code-storage
#1822 Is data distributed across each server equally or unequally or determined by the user davidsarah defect normal undecided unknown
#1825 make the "tahoe unlink" output explain the difference between unlink and rm Lcstyle enhancement normal soon code-frontend-cli
#1826 make an animated 3D movie showing how to traverse and manipulate a Tahoe-LAFS filesystem marlowe enhancement normal undecided documentation
#1827 remove the 'tahoe rm' command now that 'tahoe unlink' has been the primary documented command for a few major releases GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1836 use leasedb (not crawler) to figure out how many shares you have and how many bytes markberger defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1845 Error during simultaneous writes to shared directory davidsarah defect normal undecided unknown
#1848 write a static analysis tool to catch places where a Deferred is dropped davidsarah defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#1852 test suite: find a way to prevent unclean reactor errors causing subsequent test failures daira defect normal soon code
#1853 "tahoe cp" breaks when files have a : char in their names zooko defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1854 "tahoe cp -r * $DEST" incorrectly flattens subdirs defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#1857 Add public gateway permalinks to web api enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1858 Add redirect_to_index_html boolean to [client] enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1860 expansion of %(uri)s in when_done parameter using Python's % operator is ill-advised David-Sarah Hopwood <david-sarah@…> defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1861 redirects in tahoe should not point to other origins ChosenOne enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1862 removing shares more quickly than one day davidsarah defect normal eventually code-storage
#1863 Work-Around for > ~150MB files on Least Authority TLoS3 davidsarah defect normal undecided unknown
#1866 Clarify url syntax at WAPI doc marlowe defect normal undecided documentation
#1868 rename "uri" to "cap" everywhere davidsarah defect normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1869 pluggable backends: serialize backend operations on a shareset zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-storage
#1876 cloud backend / leasedb: write tests for new deferred utilities daira defect normal 1.15.0 code
#1880 break up test_storage into more manageable pieces defect normal undecided code-storage
#1882 suggested improvements to quick start instructions marlowe task normal undecided documentation
#1885 cloud backend: redundant reads of chunks from cloud when downloading large files defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1886 cloud backend: crawlers are running too often daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1888 cloud backend: "excessive reactor delay" warning in foolscap log during crawler run davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0 unknown
#1891 Setup Problem defect normal undecided code-network
#1892 document what 'tahoe cp' does with trailing slashes warner defect normal 1.10.1 documentation
#1901 WUI: the "Download!" button on the Welcome page leads to the file displayed in-browser instead of downloaded/saved defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1908 drop the darcsver egg zooko defect normal 1.10.0 packaging
#1909 cloud backend: add OpenStack support davidsarah enhancement normal undecided code-storage
#1911 Add authentication for WUI access luckyredhot enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1915 helper.rst doc is out of date davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 documentation
#1918 iputil: finding IP addresses fails on kfreebsd davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#1919 cloud backend OpenStack: send MD5 ETag davidsarah defect normal undecided code-storage
#1920 cloud backend: a failed upload can leave chunk objects that prevent subsequent uploads of the same file daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1922 Test of html Encoding After GET Fails mk.fg defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1923 cloud backend OpenStack: crawlers are not working correctly with HP Cloud Object Storage davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1926 Failed to load application: cannot import name IFinishableConsumer defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend
#1927 cloud backend spams twistd.log with two entries for each HTTP connection daira defect normal soon code-storage
#1940 trac is rendering git diffs (in attachments) badly? defect normal soon dev-infrastructure
#1941 when an upload or check fails, link to a full explanation of what happened daira defect normal soon code-network
#1942 replace google chart in wui with d3.js: it leaks information nobody task normal eventually code-frontend-web
#1944 test suite should pass with -O defect normal soon code
#1947 Tor clients share their IP with the introducer davidsarah defect normal soon code-nodeadmin
#1949 CLI: -u does not work as an alias for --node-url Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-cli
#1950 allmydataectomy: rename "allmydata" package to "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs" task normal 2.0.0 packaging
#1951 "one-file" executable for non-developers defect normal undecided packaging
#1953 include git branch name in the --version[-and-path] output daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#1955 Allow deep-check to continue after error davidsarah enhancement normal undecided unknown
#1958 python trial runs out of memory on 613MB RAM VM davidsarah defect normal undecided unknown
#1959 cloud backend: fix tests that are '[TODO] Share dumping has not been updated to take into account chunked shares' daira defect normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-cli
#1962 the download visualization is hard to discover defect normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1963 replace nevow with twisted.web.template daira enhancement normal eventually code-frontend-web
#1964 convert trac repos from darcs to git warner task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1966 WUI: new directory page warner enhancement normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1971 add 'tahoe admin create-container' command daira defect normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-cli
#1972 wui: show time page was rendered daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1973 wui: "since" and "announced" columns are confusing leif defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-web
#1974 wui: the "report an incident" feature doesn't submit incident reports daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1977 cloud backend: implement container creation for OpenStack and Google Cloud Storage daira defect normal soon code-storage
#1978 build binary eggs for Linux x86 task normal packaging
#1979 build binary eggs for Linux x86-64 task normal soon packaging
#1980 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (32-bit) daira task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#1981 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (64-bit) daira task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#1982 build binary eggs for FreeBSD task normal soon packaging
#1983 build binary eggs for linux-armv6l (raspberry pi) task normal soon packaging
#1984 build binary eggs for Linux on Mac OS X task normal soon packaging
#1985 build binary eggs for NetBSD task normal soon packaging
#1986 build binary eggs for Solaris task normal undecided packaging
#1988 don't stop the process if you can't execute "ifconfig" or "route.exe" zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#1990 deep-check --repair hangs daira defect normal undecided unknown
#1991 cloud backend fails with DataUnavailable when uploading+downloading a 10 GB file daira defect normal 1.15.0 code-storage
#1992 warn if testing uncommitted code warner defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#1993 Abuse of HTTP status 410 Gone defect normal undecided code-frontend-web
#1994 S3 Error during initialization of S3 store to use with S3(cloud) backend Zancas defect normal undecided code-storage
#1995 Unspecified error during initialization of EC2 storage server defect normal undecided code-storage
#1996 Unspecified error during verification of Least Authority Cypher Text Storage Service daira defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
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