Custom Query (2576 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 2576)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#502 remove peers from client's table upon DeadReferenceError defect major 1.3.0 code-network
#505 wanted: a setuptools plugin to make unit tests be executed with trial instead of with pyunit cgalvan enhancement major undecided packaging
#510 use plain HTTP for storage server protocol exarkun enhancement major HTTP Storage Protocol code-storage
#511 publish Mac images somewhere somebody task major undecided website
#513 mail copies of new tickets to tahoe-dev somebody enhancement major undecided dev-infrastructure
#514 deep-check: progress and cancel enhancement major 1.3.0 code-frontend-web
#515 CLI tools for checker/repairer enhancement major 1.3.0 code-frontend-cli
#518 'tahoe.cfg': replace (multiple) configuration files with a single file enhancement major 1.3.0 code-nodeadmin
#519 can't Register new accounts in Trac zooko defect major undecided dev-infrastructure
#520 indicate size limits early in helper protocol defect major undecided code-encoding
#522 mac buildslave produces builds lacking pycrypto nobody defect major eventually packaging
#523 simplejson-2.0.1 causes unicode-vs-bytestring problems warner defect major 1.3.0 code
#526 simplify install.html so that it doesn't require GNU make somebody enhancement major undecided packaging
#527 download: support Range header, in a quick hackish tempfile way enhancement major 1.3.0 code-frontend-web
#530 use setuptools's --multi-version mode zooko enhancement major 1.8.1 packaging
#531 SFTP frontend needs tests davidsarah defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend
#533 wapi: add mkdir-with-children enhancement major 1.6.0 code-frontend-web
#534 CLI (e.g. tahoe cp) does not correctly handle or display Unicode file/directory names, either in arguments or the local filesystem nobody defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend-cli
#535 "recursion depth exceeded" failure during t=manifest of large directory tree warner defect major 1.3.0 unknown
#536 port number conflict: 8123 is (or was) used by polipo and is blocked by TorButton defect major 1.3.0 code-frontend-web
#538 add get_version() method to Referenceable objects, describe our versioning scheme enhancement major 1.3.0 code-network
#539 it should be possible to filecheck an unrecoverable file or directory defect major 1.3.0 code-frontend-web
#542 key-generator dones't work anymore somebody defect major 1.3.0 code
#545 uploading too-large mutable file causes huge memory usage, 100% CPU defect major undecided code-mutable
#550 dirnode 'delete' which hits UCWE will appear to fail, but actually succeeds defect major 1.3.0 code-dirnodes
#551 mutable modify() may need to publish even if retry was a NOP defect major 1.3.0 code-dirnodes
#552 the "webdrive" javascript frontend moves objects with delete-before-add defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#553 "More Info" link should point to a file/dir, not a dir+childname zooko defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#556 prepend 'application-version' with the name of this particular application cgalvan defect major 1.3.0 packaging
#558 kpreid says that the -SUMO tarballs don't exist cgalvan defect major undecided packaging
#559 offer verify-cap in ?t=json metadata warner defect major 1.3.0 code-frontend-web
#561 cpu-watcher not resilient to corrupted pickles defect major undecided code-nodeadmin
#564 anonymize IP addresses in log files somebody defect major undecided code
#565 unicode arguments on the command-line davidsarah defect major 1.8β code-frontend-cli
#566 host tahoe dependencies zooko enhancement major eventually packaging
#569 need test for advertisement of large share support defect major soon code-storage
#570 buildbot trac integration somebody enhancement major undecided dev-infrastructure
#571 trac cia integration somebody enhancement major undecided dev-infrastructure
#572 deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0 nobody defect major undecided unknown
#575 Tests fail due to sub-process tahoe environment. zooko defect major undecided unknown
#576 ./bin/tahoe run appears broken. defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#577 I want results to stick around until I explicitly tell them to go away (not: "unknown/expired handle") kevan defect major 1.6.1 code-frontend
#578 I want to check a file using its verify-cap. defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend
#581 time-out of results appears to happen before it is supposed to defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend-web
#585 make it work with bbfreeze davidsarah enhancement major 1.8.2 packaging
#588 "tahoe start" fails even though "tahoe --version" works cgalvan defect major undecided unknown
#590 add streaming manifest/deep-checker/repairer warner enhancement major 1.4.1 code-frontend-web
#591 "make quicktest" could be quicker and less noisy warner defect major undecided packaging
#592 buildbot->IRC bot warner enhancement major soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#593 test installation of .deb's somebody enhancement major undecided dev-infrastructure
#594 test "make mac-exe" somebody defect major undecided dev-infrastructure
#596 storage servers should announce that they support over-read zooko enhancement major 1.3.0 code-storage
#598 add 'tahoe backup' command: fast versioned readonly backups enhancement major 1.3.0 code-frontend-cli
#601 add 'tahoe sync' command, for bidirectional synchronization enhancement major undecided code-frontend-cli
#602 error message could be more detailed: "client node probably not started" defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#603 display versions on introducer page defect major 1.5.0 code-nodeadmin
#606 backupdb: add directory cache enhancement major 1.6.0 code-frontend-cli
#607 DIR2:IMM warner defect major 1.6.0 code-dirnodes
#608 premature abort of upload if some shares were already present and some servers fail defect major 1.7.0 code-encoding
#611 test_repairer test_repair_from_corruption_of_1 sometimes errors zooko defect major 1.3.0 code-encoding
#612 build binary packages of pysqlite somebody defect major undecided packaging
#616 bug in repairer causes sporadic hangs in unit tests defect major 1.3.0 code-encoding
#617 Debian etch package size mismatch warner defect major packaging
#618 tahoe backup crash during second run defect major undecided code-frontend-cli
#619 make 'tahoe backup' without sqlite complain louder task major 1.3.0 code-frontend-cli
#620 mutable writev should be able to delete shares enhancement major 1.3.0 code-storage
#621 Incorporate fuse tests into buildbot flow nejucomo defect major eventually code-frontend
#623 coverage: compute+display differential coverage zooko enhancement major eventually dev-infrastructure
#628 "mtime" and "ctime": I don't think that word means what you think it means. zooko defect major 1.4.1 code-dirnodes
#629 'tahoe backup' doesn't tolerate 8-bit filenames zooko defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend-cli
#630 automated tests of debian compatibility: run-from-source and run-from-.deb-package somebody task major undecided packaging
#633 lease-expiring share crawler warner task major 1.4.1 code-storage
#637 support "keep this much disk space free" on Windows as well as other platforms zooko defect major 1.6.0 code-storage
#638 Patch to build with Ubuntu interpid. nobody enhancement major undecided unknown
#644 tahoe dependencies not available for hardy-amd64 defect major eventually packaging
#645 connecting to sftp frontend using sshfs fails from linux client azazel defect major 1.7.0 code-frontend
#646 CLI should report webapi errors better defect major 1.6.0 code-frontend-cli
#648 collect server capacities and put them on the welcome page leif enhancement major 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#653 introducer client: connection count is wrong, !VersionedRemoteReference needs EQ warner defect major 1.5.0 code-network
#659 rusty dusty server fails on tests arch_o_median defect major eventually code
#660 debian packages require python < 2.6, but should allow python 2.6 warner defect major 1.4.1 website
#661 Dynamic share migration to maintain file health enhancement major undecided code-encoding
#663 integrate a distributed revision control tool with Tahoe enhancement major 1.6.0 contrib
#664 Unable to start. somebody defect major undecided packaging
#665 Accounting task major undecided code-storage
#667 KeyError in mutable download defect major soon code-mutable
#668 easy_install allmydata-tahoe is broken zooko defect major 1.8.2 packaging
#669 free the code! (tahoe-webdrive) secorp defect major soon (release n/a) unknown
#670 large file download has bad alacrity defect major 1.4.1 code-encoding
#672 'DirectoryAsHTML' object has no attribute 'dirnode_children_error' francois defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#673 drop package with 2004 ISA FIREWALL nobody defect major eventually unknown
#680 Fix for mutable files with FTP daira defect major 1.15.0 code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#681 make the error message more helpful in case of no 'tahoe' alias davidsarah defect major 1.6.1 code-frontend-cli
#684 let client specify the encryption key warner enhancement major eventually code-encoding
#688 FTP frontend doesn't work when behind NAT (debian) nobody defect major undecided unknown
#690 raise size limit on furls warner defect major 1.5.0 code-network
#693 CLI stats on empty directory chokes reporting the size histogram nobody defect major 1.5.0 code-frontend-cli
#694 remove hard limit on mutable file size kevan defect major undecided unknown
#695 error message could be more helpful re: CLI rm confused by URL:DIR in at least two cases davidsarah defect major 1.9.0 code-frontend-cli
#696 zfec: faster initialization enhancement major undecided code-encoding
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