Custom Query (3714 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 3714)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1403 "sudo python install" makes requires.txt unreadable except root closed socrates1024 defect major 1.11.0
#1406 performance measurement automation and visualization new somebody enhancement major undecided
#1411 sftp server does not accept pubkey auth closed daira enhancement major 1.10.1
#1418 "cannot convert float NaN to integer" in next_power_of_k, during upload via helper closed rycee defect major undecided
#1422 https node.url is not verified by httplib new nobody defect major undecided
#1425 blacklist support closed warner enhancement major 1.9.0
#1426 re-key (write-enabler) protocol new enhancement major eventually
#1427 Differences between Freenet and Tahoe closed marlowe task major undecided
#1428 web-API: rename should use POST, not GET closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#1429 automatically upload a file when it is put in a given local directory closed warner enhancement major 1.9.0
#1431 Magic Folder on Windows closed daira enhancement major 1.12.0
#1433 drop-upload: also monitor subdirectories closed daira enhancement major 1.12.0
#1434 DYHB requests misrendered in download visualization new warner defect major soon
#1435 incompatibility between zope.interface 3.6.3/3.6.4 and Nevow 0.10 closed zooko defect major 1.9.0
#1436 web interface using wrong address / port number when doing ssh port forwarding new defect major soon
#1438 update the dependency on Twisted to >= 10.1 closed zooko defect major 1.9.0
#1439 add docs/tests.rst documenting how to run tests and how to interpret the output new somebody task major eventually
#1440 drop-upload: don't perform redundant uploads when a file is quickly modified three or more times closed daira enhancement major 1.12.0
#1442 scp fails silently when copying to a Tahoe SFTP frontend; it should fail loudly closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#1447 add read-only mode for gateways new zooko enhancement major soon
#1448 Storage node discovery via avahi new alexs enhancement major undecided
#1449 drop-upload: updates to files may be lost if few servers are connected (e.g. soon after starting the gateway) closed daira defect major 1.12.0
#1450 setuptools downloads and builds a correct version of a dependency in the install-to-egg step, but then adds a different version not satisfying the requirement to easy_install.pth closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
#1451 yet another failure of setuptools to set up a correct sys.path closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
#1452 clarify policy about what versions of dependencies Tahoe-LAFS requires new somebody defect major soon
#1453 automated tests with all supported versions of dependencies new somebody defect major undecided
#1456 High latency for 'tahoe get' if 'tahoe put' in parallel new T_X defect major undecided
#1458 drop-upload: on startup, scan for files created or changed while the gateway was not running closed daira defect major 1.12.0
#1462 add legend to Recent Uploads and Downloads page, explain LIT new T_X defect major soon
#1464 stronger isolation between the Python libraries imported by build steps and those used by buildbot closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
#1465 Move ImmutableShare to backend specific module, add "backend" interface to Storage Server, use twisted's FilePath closed zancas enhancement major undecided
#1466 don't attempt to import pyutil (in the created by darcsver); use allmydata.util.verlib or distutils.version.LooseVersion instead closed somebody defect major undecided
#1470 tahoe.cfg with UTF-8 BOM should be accepted closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.2
#1471 Make Crawlers Compatible With Pluggable Backends closed enhancement major undecided
#1472 buildbot is unable to delete directories under _trial_temp* that have non-ASCII names under Windows closed somebody defect major eventually
#1473 zope.interface and pyasn1 dependencies have version 'unknown' closed somebody defect major undecided
#1474 test that classes declared to implement a zope interface actually implement it closed zooko defect major 1.9.0
#1475 Website Design and Logo Proposals closed sirvaliance defect major undecided
#1476 unit tests running out of memory on FranXois lenny-armv5tel buildbot or on a 613 MiB EC2 closed nobody defect major undecided
#1479 Makefile/ cleanups closed somebody task major 1.9.0
#1484 CLI: overzealous quoting of error messages closed davidsarah defect major 1.10.0
#1485 web-API: POSTs and GETs should be to distinct URLs assigned davidsarah defect major eventually
#1486 decommission deb builders closed zooko task major soon (release n/a)
#1488 CLI: 'bin/tahoe @foo ...' gives misleading error message if trying to run foo raises an exception closed david-sarah@… defect major 1.9.0
#1491 bin\tahoe not recognized as a command on Windows? closed somebody defect major undecided
#1493 using another directory than ~/.tahoe generates error closed nobody defect major undecided
#1494 'python install' does not install all dependencies closed canercandan defect major undecided
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion new tarcieri task major undecided
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1497 update docs/performance.rst to explain the performance of MDMFs new defect major soon
#1499 when you create a mutable file in the WUI you should get a nice user interface page back new enhancement major soon
#1500 test_mutable.Update takes too long to run new defect major soon
#1502 WUI: make type field more regular, and show SDMF vs MDMF new defect major soon
#1503 fix check_memory bitrot closed nobody defect major 1.9.0
#1504 allow build ignoring system-installed packages closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
#1505 Error in Latency Report on MDMF Retrieve closed kevan defect major 1.9.0
#1506 mutable-type should imply mutable in tahoe put closed defect major 1.9.0
#1507 teach tahoe debug how to work with MDMF caps and shares closed warner defect major 1.9.0
#1509 MDMF filecaps should tolerate extra parameters closed defect major 1.9.0
#1511 confusing error message from 'tahoe backup' when source directory doesn't exist new defect major undecided
#1512 zero-length reads break new mutable downloader closed Kevan Carstensen <kevan@…> defect major 1.9.0
#1513 memory usage in MDMF publish new defect major eventually
#1519 trac: revision log doesn't always see commits closed somebody defect major soon (release n/a)
#1520 Assertions in storage/ provide assurance that the struct library performs correct size transforms closed nobody defect major 1.9.0
#1521 'no attribute stopProducing' exception in new mutable Retrieve path closed defect major 1.9.0
#1523 MDMF upload via web-API uses much more memory in the gateway process than expected closed davidsarah defect major undecided
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#1529 corrupted filesize in CHK filecap causes unexpected "bad hash error" new defect major soon
#1530 automated comparative 'k' performance tests and graphs new warner task major soon
#1532 test suite: measure time taken by a representative test, and set other timeouts based on that closed somebody defect major undecided
#1536 nicely report any errors involving finding and using ifconfig closed defect major 1.15.0
#1539 stop putting pkg_resources.require() into .tac files closed daira enhancement major 1.10.1
#1540 MDMF: exception in unpack_checkstring being dropped closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#1542 release 1.9.0 closed somebody defect major 1.9.0
#1545 add readv() API to immutable-share storage-server protocol, use in downloader assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#1547 the WUI controls for setting the type of an uploaded file are confusing closed warner defect major 1.9.0
#1550 new/alternate download visualizer new drewp enhancement major undecided
#1551 WUI: the Upload results page should have both view and download links new defect major eventually
#1552 web-API: replace ?mutable-type with ?format={chk,sdmf,mdmf} closed kevan defect major 1.9.0
#1554 sign release tarballs using gpg closed warner task major 1.9.1
#1555 add script to check for incorrect variable captures in loops closed somebody enhancement major 1.9.2
#1556 fix bugs found by 'check-miscaptures' script closed warner defect major 1.9.0
#1561 replace --mutable-type with --format in CLI commands closed Brian Warner <warner@…> defect major 1.9.0
#1565 URL formats for HTTP-based storage server closed task major eventually
#1566 if a stored share has a corrupt header, other shares held by that server for the file should still be accessible to clients closed zooko defect major 1.10.1
#1568 S3 backend: [storage]readonly is documented but ignored closed zooko defect major
#1569 rerecord and review pluggable backends for landing on trunk closed davidsarah enhancement major 1.10.1
#1570 S3 backend: support streaming writes to immutable shares closed defect major undecided
#1571 S3 backend: support streaming reads of immutable and mutable shares closed defect major undecided
#1572 migrate to new server closed zooko task major soon (release n/a)
#1573 S3 backend: support DevPay closed zancas defect major undecided
#1574 PyCrypto 2.4 doesn't build with setuptools closed somebody defect major 1.9.2
#1575 pycrypto-2.4 packaging problems closed somebody defect major 1.9.2
#1576 support running tests for an installed version without causing allmydata.test.test_runner.BinTahoe.test_the_right_code to fail assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1577 fix attachment-upload in trac/nginx/uwsgi closed nobody defect major undecided
#1582 zetuptoolz delenda est closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
#1584 openbsd 5.0 running closed sickness defect major 1.9.2
#1587 I want an indicator of progress on a backup closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#1588 I want to trigger backups through the WUI. new enhancement major eventually
#1589 S3 backend: when a txaws operation gets an error response, include the full request URI and response body in the exception message, and maybe trigger an incident closed davidsarah defect major 1.14.0
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