Custom Query (3714 matches)


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Results (3301 - 3400 of 3714)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#77 Confusing/cumbersome root path link in vdrive web view. closed somebody defect minor 0.5.0
#78 Cater to rsync as a target Tahoe client. new somebody enhancement minor undecided
#82 remove the "build" step in the "edit, build, run" cycle closed warner enhancement minor 0.6.0
#83 Extend external interfaces for operation monitoring. closed nejucomo enhancement minor undecided
#86 add a check block to the front of the plaintext, to verify the correct key closed nobody enhancement minor eventually
#87 store less validation information in each share, to lower overhead closed enhancement minor undecided
#88 uploading a directory causes a brief dirnode exception closed warner defect minor eventually
#89 webapi needs to support HEAD too closed warner enhancement minor 1.1.0
#92 add upload-status page: progress and to-whom info new warner enhancement minor eventually
#94 deleting nameless file confounds closed somebody defect minor eventually
#102 smaller and prettier directory URIs closed zooko enhancement minor undecided
#103 navigate by URIs in closed warner enhancement minor 1.2.0
#105 command-line: access to uris closed zooko enhancement minor 1.1.0
#107 command-line: progress indicators assigned zooko enhancement minor eventually
#109 current upstream figleaf doesn't do the right thing closed warner defect minor 1.7.0
#110 command-line: default "--node-url http://localhost:`cat webport`" closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.1
#112 command-line: give it default values for the final element of the pathname assigned zooko enhancement minor eventually
#114 command-line: multiple files at once assigned zooko enhancement minor undecided
#117 webapi for metadata in vdrive closed enhancement minor eventually
#122 does github webhook report tags? do they trigger the buildbot? closed warner defect minor eventually
#125 typing and sharing; viewing without attaching closed enhancement minor undecided
#128 exception from unit test: "thing has no attribute 'doWrite'" closed somebody defect minor 0.6.1
#130 register tahoe with the cheeseshop closed zooko task minor 0.6.0
#131 add simplejson source to our distribution closed warner task minor 0.6.1
#132 peer selection could be more uniform closed warner defect minor eventually
#134 zfec: Windows build: are the compiler optimizations right? closed zooko defect minor 0.6.1
#137 automate satisfaction of pywin32 dependency closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.0
#138 profiling closed zooko enhancement minor eventually
#139 automate satisfaction of zope.interface dependency closed nobody enhancement minor 0.6.0
#140 the "setuptools+GNU stow" hack doesn't work on zope.interface closed zooko defect minor undecided
#151 maildir inlet closed enhancement minor undecided
#153 iputil returns closed zooko defect minor 0.6.1
#154 usage string program name != executable name? closed nobody defect minor 0.6.1
#155 rename executable "allmydata-tahoe" to "tahoe"? closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.1
#157 include public test grid furls in .debs? closed warner enhancement minor 0.6.1
#160 upgrade public test grid to v0.6.0 closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.1
#161 etch debs work on lenny -- document this fact closed zooko enhancement minor 0.6.1
#164 bundled dep tarballs not used if... if some of the .egg's are already found on the system? closed zooko defect minor 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#167 try out Jerasure closed zooko enhancement minor undecided
#168 configurable on/off storage server closed zooko enhancement minor
#171 new timestamps closed warner enhancement minor 0.6.1
#174 make argv $0 be 'tahoe', not 'twistd' closed davidsarah enhancement minor 1.8.1
#176 missing freeform-default.css -- nevow install error? closed warner defect minor eventually
#180 make test-clean gives false alarms closed warner defect minor 0.6.1
#189 Naive user needs table of contents or index for Install Readme closed arch_o_median enhancement minor eventually
#191 The Setuptools Way Section in the Readme Makes Unsupportable Assertions closed arch_o_median defect minor eventually
#194 README.w32 closed zooko enhancement minor 1.2.0
#196 Give good DNS name and port number to the public web interface to the test grid. closed zooko enhancement minor 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#198 count TODOs, display per file new warner enhancement minor undecided
#215 maybe remove "string containing slash-separated names" APIs new somebody enhancement minor undecided
#228 more REST-ful PUT web interfaces (Content-Type: instead of t=) closed task minor undecided
#230 wanted: buildslave that uses a Microsoft compiler closed somebody enhancement minor eventually
#234 nice UI for creation of private directory closed zooko enhancement minor eventually
#236 measure the effect of a more memory-local zfec variant on a webapi server new zooko enhancement minor undecided
#238 make the slowest buildslaves faster closed zandr enhancement minor eventually
#261 clean out the "run as single file" option in tahoe cmdline scripts closed zooko enhancement minor
#266 when cryptography has random-access AES, update helper to use it new warner enhancement minor eventually
#273 build 'tahoe dump-cap' tool closed warner task minor
#275 need more reliable way to determine when introducer is ready when started from a script (than polling for creation of introducer.furl) new somebody defect minor undecided
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. assigned zooko enhancement minor undecided
#304 analyze mutable-file retrieval performance: count roundtrips closed task minor 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#305 benchmark mutable-file creation speeds with different RSA keysizes closed task minor 1.1.0
#306 Clean up code terminology: "SSK" vs "slot", etc new somebody task minor undecided
#311 add "last-heard-from" timestamp to welcome page closed warner enhancement minor 1.10.1
#315 tahoe restart barfs on non-node directories closed warner defect minor 1.4.1
#329 dirnodes could cache encrypted/serialized entries for speed closed kevan enhancement minor 1.5.0
#343 introducer remembers multiple announcements of the same server closed defect minor 1.1.0
#349 Find a middle ground on access to the Build button closed zandr defect minor undecided
#354 rendering failure in RetrieveStatusPage._get_rate closed defect minor 1.1.0
#358 WUI can make an <a href> tag with no contents closed defect minor 1.6.0
#364 have "make test" check for freshness every time closed zooko enhancement minor 1.5.0
#368 munin pages on .org have broken links to dev pages closed somebody defect minor undecided
#373 Access permissions of files in source tarball too strict closed warner defect minor 1.3.0
#375 include "retry backoff limit" in introducer announcements? new enhancement minor undecided
#377 conditionalize plaintext-hasher in upload new enhancement minor eventually
#386 upload status page should show nicknames new akp enhancement minor eventually
#387 figleaf confused by python2.5 closed somebody defect minor 1.7.0
#388 Debian changelog is not up to date closed esteve defect minor eventually
#389 Implement Web Portal feature. new enhancement minor undecided
#408 install.html does not list twisted as a dependency. closed somebody defect minor eventually
#410 --introducer arg to create-client closed warner enhancement minor 1.3.0
#411 this trac instance doesn't update browser title bar closed somebody defect minor undecided
#412 tahoe -h doesn't do what people expect (--help) closed defect minor 1.3.0
#419 pycryptopp uses up too much RAM closed nobody defect minor undecided
#420 pycryptopp uses up too much space closed zooko defect minor eventually
#427 what happens when a file changes as you're copying it? new defect minor undecided
#430 upload/download status: add recently-finished operations new warner enhancement minor eventually
#433 mailing list archives are threaded weirdly new zandr defect minor undecided
#436 add rate information to upload/download status closed warner enhancement minor undecided
#446 shrink UEB: derive more fields from version+filesize new enhancement minor undecided
#452 slowdown in _validate_crypttext_hashtree for large files closed defect minor undecided
#457 tahoe ls fails if you list a file closed robk defect minor eventually
#459 wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to undo nevow's exception rendering? closed enhancement minor undecided
#460 cp -rv fails rather gracelessly in face of network quake closed defect minor 1.6.0
#473 _paused_at exception in stopped download closed defect minor 1.3.0
#475 CPU-watcher munin graph got stuck closed defect minor undecided
#476 log process ID at startup closed enhancement minor 1.5.0
#479 wouldn't it be nice if we could run from source without running 'make' or 'python build' first? closed somebody defect minor undecided
#494 zfec compilation fixes for Windows closed zooko defect minor
#495 zfec crashes and incorrect precondition values closed zooko defect minor undecided
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