Custom Query (1950 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1950)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1746 write test for anti-Ubuntu-crash-reporter exception-catching code davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-cli
#1747 Add "openbsd5" to _platform_map davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2 unknown
#1753 build can hang while trying to find dependencies defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#1758 tahoe check on LIT produces KeyError davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code
#1759 cloud backend: debug command to dump a listing of objects in a cloud container daira enhancement normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-cli
#1760 cloud backend: add design documentation marlowe task normal 1.9.2 documentation
#1761 Insufficient documentation about how to administer the convergence secret. warner defect normal 1.10.0 documentation
#1762 publish status says "Retrieve Results" zooko defect normal 1.9.2 code-frontend-web
#1771 bump Twisted requirement to >= 11.0 to avoid twisted#411 and twisted#4395 warner defect normal 1.10.0 packaging
#1772 update docs to include MDMF zooko defect normal 1.9.2 documentation
#1773 check/test/update claim about compatibility with old clients and servers in relnotes.txt warner defect normal 1.10.0 documentation
#1775 u"py3 not supported" idiom will break in Python 3.3 davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code
#1777 cleanups to backupdb tests warner enhancement normal 1.10.0 code-frontend
#1778 increase maximum mutable share size zooko defect normal 1.9.2 code-storage
#1780 Makefile: add 'check-rst' target to check .rst files for errors david-sarah@… defect normal 1.9.2 dev-infrastructure
#1783 tahoe cp --verbose progress messages show double the actual number of files davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-cli
#1784 add happiness count to check and repair reports zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1785 type error in ServerMap.copy? warner defect normal 1.10.0 code-mutable
#1788 bump foolscap requirement to >= 0.6.3 to support Twisted 11.1.0 davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2 packaging
#1792 make Tahoe-LAFS work under PyPy defect normal eventually packaging
#1800 storage indices are sometimes logged as binary warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-mutable
#1805 tahoe cp verbose counts from 0 to n-1 of n defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-cli
#1817 test_storage crawler tests can wedge the test machine for certain bugs in code-under-test davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1 code
#1827 remove the 'tahoe rm' command now that 'tahoe unlink' has been the primary documented command for a few major releases GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1853 "tahoe cp" breaks when files have a : char in their names zooko defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1860 expansion of %(uri)s in when_done parameter using Python's % operator is ill-advised David-Sarah Hopwood <david-sarah@…> defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1869 pluggable backends: serialize backend operations on a shareset zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-storage
#1892 document what 'tahoe cp' does with trailing slashes warner defect normal 1.10.1 documentation
#1901 WUI: the "Download!" button on the Welcome page leads to the file displayed in-browser instead of downloaded/saved defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1908 drop the darcsver egg zooko defect normal 1.10.0 packaging
#1909 cloud backend: add OpenStack support davidsarah enhancement normal undecided code-storage
#1915 helper.rst doc is out of date davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0 documentation
#1918 iputil: finding IP addresses fails on kfreebsd davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#1922 Test of html Encoding After GET Fails mk.fg defect normal 1.10.0 code-frontend-web
#1949 CLI: -u does not work as an alias for --node-url Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-cli
#1953 include git branch name in the --version[-and-path] output daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#1959 cloud backend: fix tests that are '[TODO] Share dumping has not been updated to take into account chunked shares' daira defect normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-cli
#1964 convert trac repos from darcs to git warner task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#1966 WUI: new directory page warner enhancement normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1971 add 'tahoe admin create-container' command daira defect normal 1.14.0 code-frontend-cli
#1972 wui: show time page was rendered daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1973 wui: "since" and "announced" columns are confusing leif defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-web
#1974 wui: the "report an incident" feature doesn't submit incident reports daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#1980 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (32-bit) daira task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#1981 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (64-bit) daira task normal 1.10.1 packaging
#1988 don't stop the process if you can't execute "ifconfig" or "route.exe" zooko defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#1992 warn if testing uncommitted code warner defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2001 build binary eggs for macosx-10.9-intel (mavericks) tilllt task normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2005 'from OpenSSL import crypto' gives undefined symbol: SSLv2_method daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2008 test_problem_layout_ticket_1128 in incorrectly sets up the test scenario warner defect normal 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2011 Make the PyPI distribution name consistent with the domain name and debian packages. warner defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2013 Crosslink accounting-overview.txt and ticket #666. daira defect normal 1.10.1 documentation
#2022 Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore markberger enhancement normal 1.10.1 dev-infrastructure
#2023 regression coincident with iputil fixes, on FreeBSD and Slackware daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2027 Inconsistent 'tahoe cp' behavior defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2028 Twisted endpoints introduce a dependency on pywin32 daira defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2034 Update for mutable files is sensitive to the number of servers warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-mutable
#2042 add doc about incompatible changes due to leasedb daira defect normal 1.14.0 documentation
#2048 allmydata.test.test_cli.Cp.test_copy_using_filecap is really slow due to a test bug daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2051 Publish the buildbot configuration in a public repository & define where to track its issues daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2052 Automate testing of merge requests to streamline review. daira defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2058 trac sqlite db accesses taking a long time warner defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2066 performs work without a command being specified defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2067 licensing info is duplicated between README.txt and docs/about.rst file daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2071 DeprecationWarning: Passing non-bytes header values is deprecated since Twisted 12.3. Pass only bytes instead. defect normal 1.11.0 code
#2072 enable Travis-CI for the main Tahoe-LAFS repo warner defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2074 add Travis build status images to home page defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2075 consider deleting unsupported Python 2.6 eggs for Windows defect normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2077 pip packaging plan defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2078 1.9.2 release didn't have a git branch defect normal soon (release n/a) packaging
#2083 Move 1819-cloud-merge-opensource branch from LeastAuthority/tahoe-lafs to tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs daira task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2086 Use Twine to Upload Packages to PyPI warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2087 clarify the literal command-lines in quickstart.rst marlowe defect normal 1.10.1 documentation
#2098 remove dependency on zbase32 and pyutil zooko defect normal undecided packaging
#2099 bring back tahoebot enhancement normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2102 generate docs with sphinx ambimorph enhancement normal soon (release n/a) documentation
#2105 fix the definition of needs-rebalancing daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-web
#2121 test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem fails on OSX 10.9 daira defect normal 1.10.1 code
#2122 Update jQuery to address CVE-2011-4969 defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2128 comments in tahoe.cfg cause introducers to appear down daira defect normal 1.10.1 code-nodeadmin
#2137 -u for -node-url= clashes with -u for --uri in tahoe ls Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0 code-frontend-cli
#2153 The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. Run "trac-admin /home/trac/projects/pycryptopp upgrade" zooko defect normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2165 use bigger random one-time keys, rename to "timing_safe_compare" daira enhancement normal 1.10.1 code
#2183 trac.log is 1.5 GB task normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
#2204 cloud branch: exarkun defect normal undecided code-storage
#2209 Missing `allmydata/web/static/img` subdirectory when installed from `pip`. daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2212 tahoe renew joeyh enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#2218 Magic Folder on Windows: node can't be killed with Ctrl-C meejah defect normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2220 drop-upload on Windows: multiple change events should be collapsed together daira defect normal 1.12.0 code-frontend-magic-folder
#2229 document "LAFS as a key-value store" marlowe enhancement normal undecided documentation
#2231 when multiple commits are pushed, only the last one can trigger a trac auto-commit message defect normal undecided dev-infrastructure
#2233 CLI: 'tahoe $SUBCOMMAND --help' no longer shows "global" options warner defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2235 Error from 'tahoe cp' on Windows, due to a long path (IOError: Errno2 - no such file or dir.) defect normal 1.10.1 code-frontend-cli
#2242 exception from parsing requirements daira defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2247 document pywin32 dependency daira defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2248 when create-client got UserWarning for service_identity missing daira defect normal undecided unknown
#2249 Installed distribution Twisted 12.2.0 [for example] conflicts with requirement twisted>=13.0 of nevow 0.11.1 warner defect normal 1.10.1 packaging
#2255 Experiment with virtualenv based packaging in the petmail style. daira defect normal 1.11.0 packaging
#2256 iputil does not support FreeBSD 10 defect normal 1.10.1 code-network
#2277 upgrade buildbot to 0.8.9 enhancement normal soon (release n/a) dev-infrastructure
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